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  The eating-local food trend is really big right now. And apparently[显然地], NASA注 wants to make sure astronauts[宇航员] don’t miss out. The agency[(政府)机构] recently announced plans to grow cress[水芹], turnips[芜菁,萝卜] and basil[罗勒] on the moon.
  And to protect the plants from the harsh cosmic[宇宙的] radiation[辐射] and the moon’s lack of atmosphere[大气], NASA researchers will be sending them off inside a high-tech enclosed[密封的] container.
  This could be good news for future space explorers: NASA’s Mars simulation[模拟] has already proven that people can only deal with so much freeze-dried food. But while astronauts will probably appreciate the fresh vegetables, NASA says the real goal of this experiment is to see if humans could one day live—and farm—on the moon.
  “This will be the very first life science experiment performed in deep space,” says plant scientist Bob Bowman, one of the researchers behind the project. “Our goal is to show that the living organism[生物体] can thrive[茁壮成长] in what really is a hostile[不利的] environment,” he says.
  But growing plants on the moon won’t be easy. The moon has one-sixth the gravity of Earth—and the plants that NASA sends up there will have to deal with that, as well as facing extreme temperatures and harsh radiation.
  “The moon’s a weird place,” Bowman says. “On the side that’s facing the sun, the surface temperature is about 150 degrees Fahrenheit[华氏度]. On the other side, it’s negative 150 degrees.”
  The plant habitat[生活环境] that Bowman and his colleagues[同事] have designed contains seeds, as well as a nutrient-rich paper and enough air and water for the seeds to grow. The canister[小罐] also has features[特征] that control light and temperature, and cameras that the researchers will use to track the plants’ progress over five to ten days.
  The entire thing is about the size of a coffee canister, and it weights only one kilogram. It’ll be hitching[搭便车] a ride on the Moon Express lander[登陆车], a spacecraft up for the Google Lunar X Prize that’s set to launch sometime in 2015.
  Till then, the researchers will be putting the canister through plenty of testing. They also hope to get school kids across America involved, by encouraging them to build their own canisters.
  Bowman says this is just the first step. “Someday,” he says, “what we learn from this and the follow-up experiments will enable us to live in deep space.”

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