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  “00后”少女苏菲·奈丽丝只演过两部电影——《拉扎老师》(Monsieur Lazhar)和《偷书贼》(The Book Thief),但和她合作的不乏奥斯卡影帝杰弗里·拉什这样响当当的名字。这位表演经验不算丰富的小演员原来还是一名有奥运水准的体操运动员。鱼与熊掌不可兼得,年纪小小的她就要在演戏和体操之间做选择。最终,苏菲放弃了征战奥运的机会,选择了大银幕。《偷书贼》给她带来了什么?一起来听听她的感受。
  Sophie Nélisse is only 13 years old, but she’s already faced big career decisions. She started training to be a gymnast at the age of three and has long had her eyes set on 1)representing her native Canada at the 2016 Olympics. Then she had the opportunity of a lifetime—another opportunity of a lifetime—the 2)lead in the film version of the beloved novel, The Book Thief.
  (3)soundbite of the movie, The Book Thief) Sophie Nélisse: (as Liesel) My name is Liesel Meminger. I don’t have a family or even a place to call home. I never understood the meaning of the word hope, but I’m about to meet the people who would change all that.
  Liesel is taken in by a couple in Nazi Germany. Through the Holocaust注1 and the war, as hatred and death 4)loom around her, her passion for words helps her 5)persevere. Sophie Nélisse had very little acting experience and no formal training, so landing the role was a shock. Nélisse: When I went to audition, I had no…no idea I was going to even get a call back. I was just really going for fun. So when I got the part, I screamed, and I jumped into my brother’s arms. I was really happy. And it was just a mixture of emotions because I was happy, I really wanted to start shooting, but then I was a bit stressed. I was a bit sad to leave my family for four months. I had a lot schoolwork to catch up on.
  Arun Rath: And the other thing that I know about is that you’re very serious about gymnastics at basically the Olympic level, which means practicing for that is pretty much a full-time job, right?

  Nélisse: Mm-hmm. If you want to train on kind of national, international level, you have about a week of break per year. So I was training about six hours per day. And, I mean, obviously, if I miss four months, I could never go to the Olympics. So it’s…it was kind of acting or gymnastics. It was a hard choice, but I chose acting. But I still love gymnastics. I follow my friends. Sometimes I go and see them training. I still really enjoy it.
  Rath: So in the film, you play Liesel, a…a German girl who is 6)orphaned. You have this beautiful onscreen relationship with Geoffrey Rush注2 who plays your 7)adoptive father.
  (soundbite of the movie, The Book Thief)   Geoffrey Rush: (as Hans) Let’s make this our secret. We read it like the other book, in the basement.
  Nélisse: (as Liesel) Thank you, Papa. Rath: It feels like there’s a real fatherdaughter love there on screen. What was it like working with him?
  Nélisse: I actually didn’t know who he was when I started to work with him. I’ve just heard that 8)apparently he’s a great actor. So I was completely honored to play with him, as well as Emily Watson. And he was just really like my father, just always there for me. And I never feel like I’m going in to work. I’d feel like I’m going to watch a clown all day. You know, he’s going to be doing (a) 9)random 10)stunts, random things. And then when they say action, he’ll do the scene perfectly. And when they say cut, he’ll do a magic trick.
  Rath: You know, your character in the film lives through some, you know, the most 11)awful events of the 20th century. I’m wondering what it was like for you, both being relatively young and not having done so much acting, to act in a film about the Holocaust?
  Nélisse: When I saw that it was on the Holocaust, it’s really something that really interested me because I didn’t know a lot about that, so I knew that I had to do some research. So I watched a lot of movies. I watched Schindler’s List, The Reader, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Life is Beautiful and The Pianist. And just walking through Berlin is really interesting because there’s like all these walls and posters telling you stories about history. And seeing the Berlin Wall or some 12)bomb shelters is really interesting. And you can learn so much just walking through the city.
  Rath: Your character in the film has a real passion for reading that transforms her life. How do you feel about reading?
  Nélisse: I really—I love reading, just not really on an iPad or not on something else. I love the books, just being able to turn the pages. And I love to read because you kind of escape 13)reality. And you’re really—you have a 14)liberty that you don’t necessarily have, kind of, on Earth.
  奈丽丝:当我去参加试镜的时候,我没有……甚至没想过他们会再给我打电话,我真的只是去玩玩。所以,当我得到角色,我大叫了出来,跳进了哥哥的怀里。我真的很开心。我有点百感交集,因为我很高兴,真的很想开始拍摄,但也有一点紧张。要离开家人四个月,这让我有点伤心。我还有很多功课要赶上呢。   阿伦·拉思:另外,我知道你对体操运动是十分认真的,基本上是奥运会的水平,也就是说基本上要全天候练习,对吧?


电台节目“英语文化随身带”文章短小精悍,内容包罗万象。将英语文化装进口袋里,利用闲散的时间随身翻阅,英语学习者可以在潜移默化中了解当代英语世界的生活和文化。  现如今,无论是学生还上班族,“坐”似乎已经成为他们每天的固定姿势。为了学习、为了工作,我们需要伏案书写、打字,有时一坐就是几小时。但坏消息来了,越来越多的研究表明:久坐等同于吸烟,对身体危害极大!听完这篇文章后,我想你一定会立马站起来!  
近年来,随着新课改的深入推进,高考英语书面表达题呈现一些新的特点和趋势。具体来说,写作情景的设置更加灵活多样、写作话题新颖时尚,提纲作文逐步代替了要点作文,写作的开放性逐步增强。而且,有些省市书面表达的分值有所增加。显而易见,高考加大了对学生写作能力的考查力度。  但是,高考阅卷发现,考生在英语写作方面存在各种问题:有些考生审题不清,导致短文偏离主题;有的行文缺乏逻辑,层次混乱;有的语言表达生硬,
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