
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gfdfh
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按照卫生部的统一部署,从1995年起,在全国范围内开始实施卫生防疫站等级评审工作。围绕等级评审工作,各地展开了多次研讨,进行了一些试点,提出了不少好的建议,积累了一些经验。从总体情况看,无论对等级评审工作有何看法,但对等级评审工作对卫生防疫事业发展的积极推动作用,是大家一致肯定的。在卫生防疫站实行等级评审制度,无疑对深化卫生防疫改革,稳定卫生防疫机构和队伍, In accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Health, starting from 1995, the nationwide assessment of the sanitation and anti-epidemic stations has begun. Around the grade review work, various localities have carried out many discussions, conducted some pilots, put forward many good suggestions, and accumulated some experience. Judging from the overall situation, regardless of the views on the rating review work, it is unanimously affirmed that the rating review work has actively promoted the development of the health and anti-epidemic cause. Implementing a grade assessment system at health and epidemic prevention stations will undoubtedly deepen the reform of the health and epidemic prevention and stabilize the anti-epidemic agencies and teams.
利用在体实验探讨猫体感皮质的神经生物素的染料偶联现象及其细胞的连接方式 ,研究其存在电突触的可能性 ,为内脏伤害性感受神经元间存在神经微环路的推测提供实验资料。在 S
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对用MDT病人的护理广西区亭凉医院黄珍兰本院有80例麻风患者用MDT,其中男74,女6;LL52,BL10,BB3,BT5,年龄为20~80岁,病期2~35年;复发者52例,新发28例。护理强调严格监督服药,注意观察病情及药物副反应;开展心理治疗和健... Treat
1=F丢等詈独 唱(民族唱法)毽磊自冀n 7,7 I¨n#4孙f ., 、 I/, 、(2 2’。4 5 6 。 I 1 。 1 7 1 7 l 6·56 一 一 I 6 Ⅵ5 6·1 ‰2 2.I ,_、/——、6 l 1 6’ 6 6 · I 6 5
1.You are beautiful!你真漂亮!2.You are clever!你真聪明!3.You are good!你真棒!4.Great!/Good!/OK!好!5.Thank you very much!非常感谢你!6.I am the winner!我是胜利者!