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为了解和掌握2013年广西蔗区甘蔗中期生长情况,于2013年9月9日至9月11日对百色、崇左、来宾3个主要蔗区进行调查。采用面上调查、数据收集和实地调查相结合的调查方法。结果表明:2013年广西甘蔗中期长势总体情况与2012年相当,综合3个蔗区数据,新植蔗有效茎数增加了2 955株/hm2,宿根蔗有效茎数与2012年基本持平;新植蔗平均株高降低了7cm,宿根蔗平均株高增加了24cm;新植蔗茎径平均增加0.06cm,宿根蔗茎径平均减少0.01cm;螟害枯心率和黑穗病自然发病率均略少于往年。2013/2014年榨季全区甘蔗产量预计与上榨季基本持平。针对调查结果,建议应加大政府财政支持,加强现代甘蔗种植技术培训,加强糖业相关管理部门对恶劣天气的应对措施。同时,要积极调整甘蔗品种种植结构,扩大桂糖系列优良甘蔗品种种植面积。 In order to understand and master the medium-term growth of sugarcane in Guangxi sugarcane planting area in 2013, three major sugarcane planting areas of Baise, Chongzuo and Laibin were surveyed from September 9 to September 11, Use surface survey, data collection and field survey combined survey method. The results showed that the general situation of Guangxi sugarcane in mid-term in 2013 was similar to that in 2012. Based on the data of three sugarcane fields, the effective stalk number of new sugarcane increased by 2 955 plants / hm2, and the effective stalk number of sugarcane was basically unchanged from 2012; The average plant height of cane decreased by 7cm and the average height of stubble cane increased by 24cm. The stem diameter of new cane increased by an average of 0.06cm and the stem diameter of stubble cane reduced by 0.01cm on average. Stem blight and natural smut incidence were lower In previous years. The 2013/2014 crop season sugar cane production in the region is expected to be basically the same with the previous crop. According to the survey results, it is suggested that the government should increase financial support to strengthen the training of modern sugar cane cultivation techniques to strengthen the sugar industry-related management departments to deal with inclement weather. At the same time, it is necessary to actively adjust the planting structure of sugar cane varieties and expand the planting area of ​​fine sugar cane varieties with gui sugar series.
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