
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:david_jts
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章丘市地处济南市东,辖22个乡镇,908个行政村,总面积1855平方公里,人口98万。章丘市共有34个医疗卫生单位,其中22个乡镇卫生院,村级医疗卫生机构420个。自1997年以来,我市以全面振兴中医为战略重点,以突出中医特色优势为导向,以建设全国农村中医先进市为契机,不断完善中医政策,增加中医事业投入,深入开展创建“农村中医工作先进乡镇”活动,强化措施,狠抓落实,使全市中医事业有了长足发展和进步。 截止1999年底,市级中医门诊总量达53万人次,占市级门诊总量的43%。乡镇卫生院中医门诊总量已达17万人次,占乡镇卫生院门诊 Located in the east of Jinan City, Zhangqiu City administers 22 townships and 908 administrative villages with a total area of ​​1,855 square kilometers and a population of 980,000. There are 34 medical and health units in Zhangqiu City, including 22 township health centers and 420 village-level medical and health institutions. Since 1997, the city has taken a comprehensive revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine as its strategic focus, and has highlighted the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine as its orientation. It has taken the opportunity to build a nationwide rural TCM advanced city, constantly improved its TCM policy, increased its investment in TCM, and conducted in-depth development of “rural TCM work”. The “advanced townships and villages” activities, strengthened measures, and vigorous implementation have enabled the city’s TCM undertakings to make rapid progress and progress. By the end of 1999, the total number of city-level Chinese outpatient clinics reached 530,000, accounting for 43% of the total municipal outpatient visits. The total number of outpatients for traditional Chinese medicine in township and township hospitals has reached 170,000, accounting for outpatient clinics in township and township hospitals.
A chamber ensemble fuses traditional Chinese instruments,with modern,Western compositions The ethereal, haunting sounds of Chinese traditional music can instant
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看到一首关于剑的诗,兴起,从剑架上取下汉剑仿品。倚一柄利剑,捧一卷墨香,在亦文亦侠间盘桓,这许是心怀侠客梦的人最大的享受。  掩卷,细细回味那首诗,出鞘,任剑身迸射冷艳的光泽。目光倾洒在剑身,心灵皈依于剑魂。轻弹剑体,想聆听它清脆的长鸣,却只有一声短促的闷响。它可能不屑与我这个庸人对话,或者,剑的灵魂已然消散……  不禁悲从中来:剑已孤独,剑客寂寞,剑光式微,剑心湮灭。的确,它只有闷响,因为剑辉煌