
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiguangli010
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基于定量颗粒荧光、流体包裹体等技术,结合埋藏史、热史及生烃史对库车前陆盆地吐北2构造的油气充注史进行分析。分析结果表明,储层的QGF指数均大于5,表示测点的深度层段均为古油层段;而大部分层段的QGF-E强度都大于20pc,显示出残余油层的特点;TSF显示油质成分单一,说明现今储层烃类具有同源的特点。结合流体包裹体及储层沥青分析表明吐北2构造经历了3期油气充注:中新世康村组晚期(11~6Ma)经历了成熟油气的充注,包裹体显示出黄色、黄白色的荧光,由于后期断层穿盐导致古油藏破坏形成储层沥青;随着埋深加大,膏盐岩发生强烈的塑性流动使断裂愈合,同时伴随着轻质油的充注(4.5~2Ma),对应的包裹体显示出蓝色的荧光;上新世库车组末期(2.5Ma)储层又经历一期高过成熟气的充注,与第二期轻质油充注连续无间断。由于研究区白垩系储层普遍发育泥岩隔层,导致部分层段现今仍存在残余油层。 Based on the techniques of quantitative particle fluorescence and fluid inclusions, the hydrocarbon filling history of the Tumibei 2 structure in the Kuqa foreland basin is analyzed based on burial history, thermal history and hydrocarbon generation history. The analysis results show that the QGF indices of reservoirs are both greater than 5, indicating that the depth intervals of the measuring points are all paleo-oil layers; while the QGF-E intensities of most of the layers are greater than 20pc, indicating the characteristics of residual oil layers; A single component of the composition of the current reservoir hydrocarbons have the same characteristics. Combined with fluid inclusions and reservoir bitumen analysis, Tubei 2 experienced three stages of oil and gas filling: Late Miocene (11 ~ 6Ma) experienced mature oil and gas filling, and the inclusions showed yellow and yellow-white , The paleo-oil reservoirs are destroyed by formation of reservoir rocks due to later-stage fault penetrating salt. With the increase of burial depth, strong plastic flow of gypsum salt rocks rupture the fracture, accompanied by the filling of light oil (4.5 ~ 2Ma ), And the corresponding inclusions showed blue fluorescence. The end-stage (2.5Ma) reservoir of the Upper Pleistocene Kuche Formation experienced a period of overcharging of mature gas, which was continuous with the second period light oil filling . Due to the widespread development of mudstone intercalations in the Cretaceous reservoirs in the study area, residual oil reservoirs still exist in some intervals.
Objective:To investigate the association of XRCC4 polymorphic variants at G-1394T(rs6869366) with colorectal cancer susceptibility.Methods:In this hospital-base
为使焊接型辙叉趾跟端150 mm范围全断面内部质量等级均为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,采用发热冒口、加强激冷和转移缺陷等工艺措施,实践生产证明,质量达到设计要求。 In order to make the int
据越南贸易与产业部门的部长Tran DucMinh说,预计2015年越南的水果、蔬菜和鲜花每年出口创汇10亿美元。目前,越南每年果蔬和鲜花的出口创汇3亿美元。据越南农业与农村发展部