
来源 :国外医学.呼吸系统分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztlzp
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在一些工业发达的国家,免疫缺陷病患者数正在增加,这可能与为了治疗癌瘤、全身性疾病而采用了一些影响免疫功能的治疗措施或器官移植日益增加有关。免疫缺陷病患者中结核病的发生率高且又被认为难以治疗,因此本文作者对30例伴有免疫缺陷病的结核病患者进行了回顾性的研究分析。在1979年至1981年8年中,Pitie—Salpetrtere医院共有232,185住院患者,经细菌学证明的结核病患者870例,其中30例同时伴有免疫缺陷病,(男22、女8例,平均年龄53.9±19岁)。免疫缺陷的病因有脏器癌瘤11例、恶性血液病7例、肾移植6例、结缔组织病6例。30例原发病的治疗处理各异,共包括抗癌化学治疗、放射治疗、外科治疗、肾上腺皮质激素及硫唑嘌呤等合用或单用。结核病治疗采用3HRE/6~9 HR方案。治疗期间死亡者其死因按以下标准予以分类:①死亡时结核病活动、至少痰结核菌培养阳性而原发病不活动,则死因为结核病。②死亡时结核病已不活动、痰培养阴性而原发病活动者则死因为原发病。③未证明 In some industrialized countries, the number of immunodeficiency patients is on the rise, possibly related to the introduction of some immunosuppressive treatment or organ transplantation for the treatment of cancer and systemic diseases. The incidence of tuberculosis in immunodeficiency patients is high and is considered to be difficult to treat. Therefore, the authors of this study retrospectively analyzed 30 TB patients with immunodeficiency disease. During the eight years between 1979 and 1981, 232,185 hospitalized patients in Pitie-Salpetrtere Hospital and 870 tuberculosis patients were bacteriologically proven, 30 of whom were accompanied by immunodeficiency disease (22 males and 8 females with an average age of 53.9 ± 19 years old). The causes of immune deficiency were organ cancer in 11 cases, hematological malignancy in 7 cases, renal transplantation in 6 cases, and connective tissue disease in 6 cases. Treatment of 30 cases of primary disease vary, including anti-cancer chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgical treatment, adrenal cortex hormones and azathioprine, such as combined or single use. Tuberculosis treatment with 3HRE / 6 ~ 9 HR program. The death of patients who died during treatment according to the following criteria to be classified: ① death of TB activity, at least sputum TB culture positive and the primary disease inactivity, the cause of death is tuberculosis. ② tuberculosis death has been inactive, negative sputum culture and the primary cause of death is the original disease. ③ not proved
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