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毋庸质疑,电子商务已成了众多互联网公司和传统企业们的一个充满玫瑰色的理想。企业家们希望实现这个理想。因为他们想获得新的市场,并使自己的商机和利润与原来相比能有几何级的增长:而互联网公司们更希望实现这个理想,因为在实现这个理想的过程中,他们不仅扮演着打破传统砸碎旧经营模式的革命者的角色,更重要的是他们想夺取旧经济的政权,让所有的商业游戏都遵从于他们制定的规则,便自己成为新经济的领导者。当然,革命的道路是充满曲折和坎坷的,现实也是残酷的,纳斯达克的缩水,COM公司大量的倒闭都令人们对新经济大跌眼镜。从现在来看,我们不能肯定他们的理想一定能得到实现,但重新配置传统企业的资产,获得成本上数量级的节约,得到最大化的利润似乎已经成为两者的共识了。就在这样的共识之下,就在这美好理想与残酷的现实之间,传统企业和.COM们都在积极地探索着,他们向着一个方向。 Needless to say, e-commerce has become a rosy ideal for many Internet companies and traditional businesses. Entrepreneurs want to achieve this ideal. Because they want to get new markets and make their business opportunities and profits grow geometrically as compared to the original ones: Internet companies are even more keen on realizing this as they not only play a role in breaking through this ideal More importantly, the role of revolutionaries who traditionally smashed old business models and, more importantly, they want to seize the power of the old economy so that all business games conform to the rules they have set out to become themselves leaders in the new economy. Of course, the road of revolution is full of twists and turns and its ups and downs. The reality is cruel. The shrinkage of the Nasdaq and the massive collapse of the COM company make people stumble upon the new economy. From now on, we can not be sure that their ideal will surely be realized. However, it has seemed that consensus has been reached to reallocate the assets of traditional enterprises and achieve cost savings on the order of magnitude, maximizing profits. It is with this consensus that the traditional enterprise and between this beautiful ideal and the brutal reality. COM are actively exploring, they are in one direction.
世界上的事谁也说不清楚。10月中旬刚过,“小灵通”苏醒不久,就传出“电信分拆重组方案已定”的消息、10月17日《财经时报》的报道称,根据该方案 最终组建的中国电信、中国网通、中国
本刊讯  深圳市市长于幼军日前在香港表示,深圳在未来几年将继续把电子信息产业作为产业发展的战略重点,力争成为具有较强研发实力的IT业制造中心。 于幼军是在香港举行的世界
尽管葡萄酒拍卖在国内尚算个新鲜事,但葡萄酒慈善拍卖却并非第一次了。早在2008年汶川地震后,波尔多五大名庄之一的玛歌酒庄(Chateau Margaux)的总经理便亲自率领团队在北京
4月30日,是西班牙作家塞万提斯和英国作家莎士比亚故去的日子,为纪念以他们为代表的享誉世界的文化伟人,联合国教科文组织1995年宣布这一天为“世界读书日”。 April 30, is
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《光明日报》1997年6月16日第六版《〈香港沧桑〉小启》:“为此,本刊专门开辟〈香港沧桑〉专版”,并聘请著名专家担任该版学术顾问。该 Guangming Daily, June 16, 1997, S