A Tree Frog on a Rainy Day

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  In Indonesia(印尼), a tree frog is holding(抱着) a leaf. Why does it do this? Oh, it’s raining. It is sheltering(躲避) from the rain!
近悉,去年刚过甲子的北京某国有印刷厂拟迅速收缩/搬迁其印刷主业,将原厂房装修出租。曾经有过光荣历史并几度辉煌,且在行业中有一定地位,如今却被迫走入行业的边缘,很多与工厂同行数十载的职工们,感情上受到冲击的程度可想而知。但更重要的,则应是痛定思痛,进行深层次的思考和总结,以期为企业和行业提供有益的借鉴。  据该印刷厂管理者分析,此次严峻形势的出现,源自资金的极度紧张,资金链可能在短期内的断裂。其实背
Author(作者): Kevin Henkes(凯文 汉克斯)  Owen had a fuzzy(毛茸茸的) yellow blanket. He loved the blanket very much. He took the blanket with him every day.
Jack and Alex want to buy some stationery(文具). So one Saturday morning, they go to a stationery store.  Good morning, boys! Can I help you?  Yes. I want a , a , two and four .  OK. A , two , four and
一个关于如何成功的悖论是:帮助我们取得成功的那些事物与途径,往往无法再加以利用。假如你以为它们仍然可用,而且以为通往未来的路不过是来时路的延伸,那结局很可能是令人颇为失望的。  这个悖论可以形象地用S型曲线(Sigmoid Curve)来展现。  S型曲线简要说明了生命的历程:最初缓慢尝试、蹒跚学步,其后迈向巅峰,最后盛极而衰。它诉说产品的“生命周期”与无数公司起落的故事,它甚至可描写恋爱与人际关
近日,由新闻出版总署印刷发行管理司指导,中国印刷科学技术研究所、科印网(www.keyin.cn)主办,中国印刷技术协会、印刷环保技术重点实验室、北京绿色印刷产业技术创新联盟、北京绿色印刷包装产业技术研究院等单位协办的2012“绿色印刷在中国”系列活动之2012“绿色大奖”评选活动全面启动,现正式接受企业(机构)及个人的报名。报名截止于2012年7月31日。  作为印刷行业最大的绿色公益性活动,2
Ha ha, I made a candle salad(蜡烛沙拉) at my birthday party. Do you want to make one? Let me show you how to make it.
This Sunday morning I was playing with my cat at home. Suddenly, I broke(打坏) the vase on the table.  The vase was the apple of my father’s eyes. What can I do? My friend said to me, “Don’t worry. Tell
I couldn’t find my jewelry this morning. I think someone stole them. Please call the police!
《丹尼和恐龙去野营》  Danny went to camp. He took along(带上) his friend, the dinosaur. “Welcome,” said the camp owner(主人).  Lana the leader said, “Let’s start with a race.” The dinosaur took a step(走一步). “You wi
Paws’ friends could* not find Paws. They were so worried(担心的).  Suddenly(突然), Presto ran into the room and said, “I think I know how to bring Paws back home.*” He drew three circles in the air with hi