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周一刚上班,局长就吩咐我赶紧收拾一下,马上陪市里领导去临水县视察抗旱工作。车行一个小时,到达临水县。我们在县水利局张局长的陪同下,去田间检查抗旱灌溉情况。寒风打在脸上跟刀刮似的,乡野里几乎看不到人。我们停在临路的一片田地前,只见新砌筑的水泥渠里淌着满满一渠水,一位老农正手拿铁锨在地头挖土。随着地口的张开,水流飞速进入干裂的田地,让人似乎听到麦苗畅快的喝水声。张局长欣然作着介绍,“这就是今年秋天咱们用市里下拨的抗旱资金修建的井渠。当时天旱得村民们都没法播种,市局给的 Just went to work on Monday, the Secretary told me to quickly pack up, immediately accompany the city leaders to inspect the drought in Linshui County. One hour drive, arrived in Lin Shui County. Accompanied by Secretary Zhang of the County Water Conservancy Bureau, we went to the field to check the situation of drought-resistant irrigation. Cold wind hit the face with a knife scraping like, almost can not see people in the country. We stopped in front of a field, saw the new masonry concrete drains filled with a canal, a farmer forehand digging in the ground. With the opening of the mouth, the rapid flow of water into the dry cracked fields, people seem to hear the sound of wheat seedling fun. Director Zhang readily introduced, ”This is the autumn of this year, we use the funds allocated to drought relief funds to build the well. At that time, the villagers were unable to plant drought, the city bureau to
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