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教学内容: 人教版《新起点英语》第二册第13单元第73课Shapes 4 new words:circle,square,rectangle and triangle A new chant 教学目标: 1.知识目标。学生基本做到:听音、看图、指认四种基本形状:circle,square,rectangle,triangle。学生借助图画和录音,了解歌谣内容,初步说出4种形状的英语单词,并在说歌谣的同时进行表演。2.能力目标。通过说唱活动培养学生的英语语感。通过动手、动脑的活动培养学生的观察能力、思维能力、语言能力及想象创造能力。3.情感目标。T:Do you want to ask me?S:What’S your name…T:My name is Jane.教师出示名片介绍:This is my namecard.It’s a rectangle.随后,介绍小组比赛的规则:Look!There are four shapes on the blackboard.It’s a circle…Whatcolour is it?Do you like it?It’s for you.Let’s have amatch.Who is the best? 备课思路:通过在Free talk中的真实交流,让学生感受到语言的自然和流畅。同时以讲解小组竞赛规则的方式渗透本节课将要使用的词汇,如新单词、颜色单词以及后面活动中要用到的name card。通过这种自然的方式把新的语言项目呈现给学生,使学生对新的内容得到初步的整体感知。活动三唱英语歌:Ten Little Candles Dance 教师出示蜡烛模型,提问:How many candles canyou see?学生回答:I can see ten.教师出示小棒,提问:How many sticks can you see?学生回答:I can see ten. 备课思路:通过表演唱,使学生的身体得到运动,同时复习本节课要用到的数字单词,为摆小棒学单词环 Teaching content: PEP “New Beginning English” Volume II, Unit 13, Lesson 73 Shapes 4 new words: circle, square, rectangle and triangle A new chant Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge goals. Students basically do: listening, looking at the map, identify the four basic shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle. With pictures and recordings, students learn about ballads, preliminarily speak English in four shapes, and perform while performing ballads. 2. Capacity goals. Raise students' sense of English through rap activities. Through hands-on activities of the brain to develop students' observation ability, thinking ability, language ability and imagination to create ability. Emotional target T: Do you want to ask me? S: What's your name ... T: My name is Jane. Teacher Presenting Card Introduction: This is my namecard.It's a rectangle. On the blackboard.It's a circle ... Whatcolour is it? Do you like it? It's for you.Let's have amatch.Who is the best? Prepare for Lessons: Through the real talk in Free Talk, let students feel the natural language and Smooth. At the same time, I will infiltrate the vocabulary to be used in this lesson in the way of explaining the competition rules of the group, such as new words, color words and the name card to be used in later activities. In this natural way, new language projects are presented to students, giving students an initial overall perception of new content. Activities Three Singing English Songs: Ten Little Candles Dance Teacher Showing Candle Model, Question: How many candles canyou see? Student Answer: I can see ten. Teacher Showing Stick, Question: How many sticks can you see? Student Answer: I can see Preparation ideas: singing through the show, so that students get the body movement, while reviewing the number of words to be used in this lesson, to put a small stick learning words ring
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