BecKmcm Cx—7全自动生化分析仪的保养与维护

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Cx—7是美国BecKmcm公司近几年推出全自动生化分析仪系列之一,此机具有自动化程度高,操作简单,重复性好等一系列优点,深受用户欢迎。我院共有两台Cx—7,一台Cx—5,日标本量达300份左右,故仪器的维护和保养至关重要。现作一简单介绍:1.每天的保养 每天定标前,先检查蒸馏水是否充足,浓缩洗液和针头洗液是否够当天使用,Cx—3部分的试剂应至少在最低限以上,试剂容量在60%以上,否则必须更换离子试剂,并调整试剂容量。检查高压系统的各压力表,着指针是否在正常使用范围内,查看Cx—3部分的两个平衡注射器,调整其液体量,维持在1/2~2/3之间,冲洗Cx—3部分4~5次,擦净仪器表面灰尘。 Cx-7 is one of the series of automatic biochemical analyzers introduced by BecKmcm in the United States in recent years. This machine has a series of advantages such as high degree of automation, simple operation and good repeatability, and is well received by users. There are two Cx-7 and one Cx-5 in our hospital, and the volume of daily specimens is about 300, so the maintenance and maintenance of the instrument are very important. Now for a brief introduction: 1. Daily maintenance before the daily calibration, first check whether the distilled water is sufficient, concentrated lotion and needle wash lotion is enough for the day to use, Cx-3 part of the reagent should be at least above the minimum, the reagent capacity in More than 60%, otherwise you must replace the ionic reagent and adjust the reagent volume. Check the pressure gauges of the high pressure system and check whether the pointer is within the normal use range. Check the two balanced syringes in the Cx-3 section and adjust the liquid volume to maintain it between 1/2 and 2/3. Rinse the Cx-3 section. 4 to 5 times, wipe the instrument surface dust.
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