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学前教育是教育公平的起点和基础。公平视角下我国城乡学前教育发展差异日益显著,不均衡状况日益严峻,集中表现在城乡幼儿受教育机会不平等、城乡办学条件不均衡和师资配置水平不均衡。为促进城乡学前教育公平,缩小城乡发展差异,应首先大力加快学前教育立法,明确政府职责,其次完善学前教育的经费保障机制,最后均衡配置教师队伍,提高农村师资质量。 Pre-school education is the starting point and foundation of education fairness. From a fair perspective, the development of preschool education in urban and rural areas of our country has become more and more obvious. The unbalanced situation is worsening day by day. It focuses on the unequal educational opportunities for young children in urban and rural areas, the unbalanced conditions of running schools in urban and rural areas, and the unbalanced distribution of teachers. In order to promote the fairness of preschool education in urban and rural areas and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, we should first of all vigorously speed up the preschool education legislation and define the responsibilities of the government. Secondly, we should perfect the funding guarantee mechanism for preschool education and finally allocate teachers in a balanced manner to improve the quality of teachers in rural areas.
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1 病例报告患者男,17岁。四肢肌肉酸痛半月。肌无力4天于1996—04—27入院,半月前曾感冒头痛,以全头胀痛为主,同时全身酸痛;近4天视物不清,复观,发热(体温不详),肌无力,双上
编者按:  本科教育是哈佛大学教育的核心,演讲人都会对本科毕业生的前途发表看法。2007届的讲话人是两个比尔:盖茨和克林顿。下面这篇2008届毕业典礼演讲值得反复阅读,优秀的大学应该培养理想远大道德高尚的君子,而不是技艺超群惟利是图的小人。  在这所久负盛名的大学的别具一格的仪式上,我站在了你们的面前,被期待着给予一些蕴含着恒久智慧的言论。站在这个讲坛上,我穿得像个清教徒教长——一个可能会吓到我的
【摘要】小学数学开放式教学能够较好的满足小学生的学习和心理需求,对于发觉小学生数学潜能有促进作用。文章探讨了在小学数学教学中开展开放式教学的策略,以提高数学课堂教学的效果。  【关键词】小学数学 开放式教学 对策  【中图分类号】G623.5【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)01-0125-01  引言  实行开放式教学调动了学生积极参与自主学习、主动探究知识。这种教学方
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