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党委办公室工作的实践证明,只有建设一支高素质的于部队伍,才能保证不断提高党委办公室的综合服务水平。为此,必须做好以下几项工作。一要讲政治,铸造队伍灵魂。党委办公室是政治性很强的工作部门。这决定了党委办公室的干部尤其要善于从政治上观察问题、分析问题、处理问题,始终保持坚定的政治方向,在思想上和行动上与党中央和上级党组织保持高度一致,争做讲政治的表率。首先要强化政治理论学习,提高政治理论素养。为此,必须努力学习马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,要努力掌握理论的科学体系、基本观点和精神实质,并用以指导实践,从而提高参与政务、辅助决策的理论水平。其次是强化党性教育,牢固树立坚定的政治信念。党委办公室的同志无论具体做什么工作,都应当自觉增强党性观念,牢记党的宗旨,坚持正确的政治方向,把鲜明的党性原则贯穿于一切活动之中。再次是强化责任意识,坚决维护党委权威,保证政令畅通。党委办公室的干部要带头贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策和党委的决定,尽职尽责抓落实,全心全意为党委实施对全局工作的政治领导服务。 The practice of Party committee office work proves that only by building a contingent of high-caliber ministries can we continuously improve the comprehensive service level of party committee offices. To do this, we must do the following work. First, we must talk about politics, casting team soul. Party committee office is a highly political work department. This has determined that cadres in Party committees and offices must be especially good at observing issues politically, analyzing problems and handling issues, and always maintain a firm political orientation, maintaining a high degree of ideological and operational alignment with the Party Central Committee and the higher party organizations, example. First of all, we must strengthen the study of political theory and improve the quality of political theory. To this end, we must make efforts to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, strive to master the scientific system, basic ideas and spiritual essence of the theory and guide practice so as to raise the theoretical level of participating in government affairs and supporting decision-making. Second is to strengthen the party education, firmly establish a firm political conviction. No matter what specific work the comrades of Party committees and offices should do, they should conscientiously enhance their party spirit, keep the party’s purpose firmly in mind, adhere to the correct political orientation, and stick the distinctive principle of party spirit through to all activities. Thirdly, it is to reinforce the sense of responsibility, resolutely safeguard the authority of party committees and ensure the smooth flow of government decrees. The cadres of Party committees and offices must take the lead in implementing the party’s line, principles and policies and the decisions of the party committees, fulfill their duties with due diligence, and serve the party committees in their political leadership in carrying out overall work.
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目的 探析左乙拉西坦治疗小儿癫痫的疗效及不良反应.方法 选取我院收治的106例小儿癫痫患儿为研究资料,按随机分配的原则将其分为两组,每组53例.对照组给予托吡酯治疗,观察组