Recurrence Behaviors of Earthquakes along the Kefallinia Transform Fault, Ionian Sea, Greece

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luluzhangwei
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We examined the whole strong earthquake recurrence behaviors of two fault zones along the Kefallinia Transform, Ionian Sea, Greece, using seismological data and statistical methods. Our data include 29 events with %M%>5^5 for the period 1636~2003. We found different recurrence behaviors for the Kefallinia Fault Zone (clustering and time-predictable recurrence behaviors) and the Lefkada Fault Zone (near random and non-slip-predictable or non-time-predictable recurrence nature). The different modes may be attributed to: (a) segment interaction along-strike (Kefallinia) by static triggering and (b) the influence of fault systems to the north and east on the recurrence on Lefkada. Within the active periods, earthquake recurrence intervals are distributed in a more dispersed fashion, and can be fitted well by a Weibull distribution. In contrast, the distribution of the quiet periods is relatively less dispersed and difficult to describe by suitable probability functions. We examined the whole strong earthquake recurrence behaviors of two fault zones along the Kefallinia Transform, Ionian Sea, Greece, using seismological data and statistical methods. Our data include 29 events with% M%> 5 ^ 5 for the period 1636 ~ 2003. found different recurrence behaviors for the Kefallinia Fault Zone (clustering and time-predictable recurrence behaviors) and the Lefkada Fault Zone (near random and non-slip-predictable or non-time-predictable recurrence nature). The different modes may be attributed to: (a) segment interaction along-strike (Kefallinia) by static triggering and (b) the influence of fault systems to the north and east on the recurrence on Lefkada. Within the active periods, earthquake recurrence intervals are distributed in a more dispersed fashion, In contrast, the distribution of the quiet periods is relatively less dispersed and difficult to describe by suitable probability functions.
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患儿男 ,14岁。 2 0 0 1年 9月 2 8日随父捕鱼返航时不慎落入浅滩水中 ,被巨大海蜇 (捕获后称重 15 5kg)蜇伤双下肢中部及踝部 ,即出现局部剧烈灼痛 ,半小时后出现胸闷、憋气 ,
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