认清形势 做大做强拍卖企业

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我国加入 WTO 以后,随着对外开放的进一步扩大,拍卖业发展也面临着前所未有的新形势。国家已决定,自2004年12月11日起,中国拍卖行业将对外全面开放,允许外商进入中国的拍卖市场,外商独资拍卖企业准许设立,这将对国内拍卖企业带来新的发展机遇和挑战。面对与“狼”共舞的新一轮竞争,要与规模大、资金雄厚、经验丰富、技术先进的外商抗衡,国内拍卖企业必须转变观念,向规模化经营发展,不断拓展拍卖领域,依法规范拍卖运作,提高服务质量。和外国企业相比,国内拍卖企业确实在企业 After China’s accession to the WTO, with the further opening up to the outside world, the auction industry is also facing an unprecedented new situation. The state has decided that since December 11, 2004, the Chinese auction industry will be fully open to the outside world and foreign investors will be allowed to enter the Chinese auction market. The establishment of wholly foreign-owned auction enterprises will create new opportunities and challenges for domestic auction enterprises . In the face of the new round of competition with the “wolf”, it is necessary to contend with the large-scale, well-funded and experienced foreign technologists with advanced technology. The domestic auction enterprises must change their concepts, develop towards large-scale management and continuously expand the auction areas according to law Regulate the auction operation, improve service quality. Compared with foreign companies, domestic auction companies really in business
热。连想也不敢想:“全球科技百强排名中,联想荣列第8位。”一时间,大报小报鼓噪、Sina.com煽情,更热。 Sina的脑袋从来都不是长在自己头上的,这和它生自Internet这个大垃圾
Wow,the spinach(菠菜) strawberry salad looks yummy!Do you want to have a taste?Now let’s make a spinach strawberry salad.It’s easy!You will need strawberries
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