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【作文题目】快乐是什么?快乐是一种心理感受,是一种身心愉悦的精神状态……当你摈弃功利目的,给弱者一次扶助,给贫者一点资助,给伤者一回救助……你的心底必定是无比的甜蜜和惬意。在人生的道路上,同学们一定都乐善好施,奉献过自己的爱心,也有过快乐的感受和体验。请以“感受快乐”为题,写一篇记叙文或议论文。要求:(1)要有真情实感。(2)写亲身经历的事情。(3)600字以上。 [Essay topic] What is happiness? Happiness is a psychological feeling, a mental state of mental and physical pleasure ... ... When you abandon the purpose of utilitarian, give the weak a helping hand, to the poor a little help, give the injured a rescue ...... Your heart must be extremely sweet and cozy. On the way of life, classmates must be charity, give their own love, but also have a happy feeling and experience. Please write a narrative or essay in the title of “Feeling Happy”. Requirements: (1) have true feelings. (2) to write personal experience of things. (3) 600 words or more.
The pequi tree is a native plant of the Brazilian cerrado, and the scientific name is Caryocar brasiliense, whose fruits are called pequi, appreciated for its p
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<正> 美国的航空交通十分发达,分为主干航线(trunk airlines)和地方航线(regional airlines)两大部分。主干航线由九家大公司经营,它们是: American Airline 美国航空公司
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