George Sees Stars (III)

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  Scene 6 The TV star
  (Its half past five. A young man is coming into the hotel carrying a small bag. He is wearing jeans.)
  George Oh, hello, hello. Welcome!
  Young man  Hello.
  George    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  (He takes the mans hand.)
  Young man Thats OK... er, why?
  George    Youve got the big room, and theres a new light there for you too—a beautiful new light.
  Young man Very nice. Thank you very much. But I dont understand. George  Well, youre famous. Youre a TV star.
  Young man Me? Famous? A TV star?
  (He laughs.)
  George  And heres the key to your room. I can take your bag.
  Young man Oh, thank you, but its not heavy. I can carry it. And Im not famous.
  George  Yes, you are.
  Young man But Im not.
  George  Ah, I see... youre not famous. You dont want any TV cameras here. Ha, ha! Yes, I understand.
  Young man You understand?
  George Yes. You want a quiet holiday. Youre not famous. Ha, ha! All right, I understand.
  Young man  Good. Can I see the sea from my room?
  George  Oh, yes, its one of the rooms in the front of the hotel. Its very nice.
  Young man Is it expensive? I havent got a lot of money, you know.
  George  Thats OK. I like you. I dont
  need the money. For you, the room is free!
  Young man  I dont understand...
  George  Mary! Mary! Come here! Come and meet Mr Madoc!
  (Marry comes in. She is holding a cup of coffee.)
  Mary  What do you want now?
  George  Mary, meet Mr Madoc. This is my wife, Mary.
  (George takes Marys arm. Her coffee goes over the young mans jeans.)
  Mary  Oh, Im very sorry! Your
  jeans! Im sorry, Mr... Mr...
  Young man  Mr Brown. Paul Brown.
  George  Im sorry, Mr Madoc. Please excuse my wife. We can clean
  your jeans for you here. Im very sorry.
  Young man Oh, its all right. It isnt important. I can wash my jeans.
  Mary  Im sorry, Mr Brown.
  George  Dont be silly, Mary! His name is Mr Madoc.
  Young man Er, no... my name is Paul Brown.
  George  Yes, Mary, in this hotel his name is Paul Brown, but on TV his name is Tony Madoc. You understand... he wants a quiet holiday.
  (He smiles at the young man.)   Young man What?
  George Mary, please ask Peter to take Mr Browns bag to his room. Quickly now!Thank you.
  Mary Can I get another cup of coffee?
  George No, Mary, you cant. The bag, Mary. Do you like flowers, Mr Brown? Youve got some nice flowers in your room. Theyre from our garden, you know.
  Young man Oh, no. Im sorry. I dont like flowers very much.
  George Fine, fine. I dont like flowers either. Mary, put the flowers in the kitchen, please.
  Mary But Peters going to be very angry, George.
  George In the kitchen, Mary.
  (Mary and the young man go out. The woman comes in.)
  Woman Excuse me, but wheres my bag?
  George What? Oh, your bag? Its here.
  Woman I need it in my room.
  George Yes, yes. Im sorry, Mrs... er... but not now. I am going to take it to your room, but Im very busy now. We have a very important person in the hotel.
  Woman But my glasses are in the bag. I cant learn the new play without my glasses...
  George Sorry, Mrs... er... not now.
  (The young man comes in again.)
  George Mr Brown! There you are! Is the room OK, Mr Brown?
  Young man Yes, its fine, thank you.
  George Good, good. Would you like something? A drink? Some champagne? A television?
  Young man No, nothing, thank you.
  George Please, have a drink. Mary! Bring a bottle of champagne.
  (Mary comes in.)
  Mary Champagne, George?
  George Yes, bring a bottle of champagne and ask Peter to put the television in Mr Browns room.
  Young man But I dont like television and I dont drink champagne, thank you very much.
  Mary He doesnt want them, George.
  Young man Im going out for a walk near the sea now. What time is dinner?
  George Dinners at half past seven, Mr Brown. Mary, go to the kitchen and talk to Judy about dinner, please.
【重点单词】  1. post n. & v.  post既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词,意为“邮政;邮寄”。例如:  If you could get the book, please send it to me by post. 如果你能得到那本书,请邮寄给我。  Do you mind posting a letter for me? 你能帮我寄封信吗?  【拓展】 postman意为“邮递
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