The Dynamics and Driving Force of Farmland Ecosystem Productivity

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HappHapp
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Based on the experimental data of crop yield, soil water and fertility of a dryland farming ecosystem in northwest China, asystematic analysis is carried out to study the dynamics of dryland farming ecosystem productivity and its limitingfactors. This paper also discusses which of the two limiting factors, i.e., soil water or fertility, is the primary factor and theirdynamics. The result shows that fertility is the primary limiting factor when the productivity is rather low. As chemicalfertilizer input increases and the productivity promotes, water gradually becomes the primary limiting factor. Chemicalfertilizers and plastic film mulching are the two major driving forces that determine the crop productivity and its stabilityin these areas. Based on the experimental data of crop yield, soil water and fertility of a dryland farming ecosystem in northwest China, asystematic analysis is carried out to study the dynamics of dryland farming ecosystem productivity and its limiting factors. This paper also discusses which of the two limiting factors , ie, soil water or fertility, is the primary factor and theirdynamics. The result shows that fertility is the primary limiting factor when the productivity is rather low and plastic film mulching are the two major driving forces that determine the crop productivity and its stability in these areas.
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