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读了今年第六期《新闻战线》上《地市县报园地》专栏刊登的《总编辑亲自撰写评论》一文,产生了一些想法。鹤岗日报总编辑傅玺政写评论,本是新闻界的光荣传统,也是总编辑们的“份内事”,现在却要在“撰写”之前冠以“亲自”二字,可见,这“份内事”正在变为“份外事”。这不是笔者在这里瞎估摸。今年春天,我曾在一个全省报纸副刊会议上询问了十几位地市报纸的编辑,回答是,没有一家报社的总编亲自写评论。平心再想,这似乎也不能全怪总编辑们。事务缠身,会议接踵,往往拖得他们精疲力尽,思路闭塞,很难有时间,有精力去“鉴古”、“察今”。再加上方方面面某些人又总爱“自动对号”,总编辑们和我们普通评论作者一样,往往也是论笔未下,芒刺在背,如此一而再,再而三,心生“多一事不如少一事”,这也是人之常情。 After reading the article entitled “The Editor-in-Chief wrote a commentary” in the column entitled “City and County Newspaper and Memorial Garden” published in the sixth issue of the “News Fence,” some thoughts arose. The editor in chief of Hegang Daily Fu Xi political comments, this is the glorious tradition of the press, but also the editors of the “internal affairs”, but now in the “writing” before the word “personally”, we can see that this “copy Things ”are becoming“ foreign affairs. ” This is not the author here blindly estimated. This spring, I asked the editors of a dozen city newspapers at a newspaper supplement meeting in the province. In the answer, no editor of a newspaper personally wrote a comment. Just think again, it seems that we can not blame the chief editors. Business-ridden, meeting one after another, often dragged them exhausted, ideas blocked, it is difficult to have time, have the energy to “Kam ancient”, “observe present.” In addition, some people in all aspects always love “automatic check”. The chief editors, like our ordinary review writers, often make no comments about them, and prickle them on the back. Little less ", which is also human nature.
【摘要】体育是提高初中生体质的重要课程,初中体育课程所传授的体育知识和技能都属于初中生必须掌握的体育技能。随着时代的不断发展,“全民健身的理念”不断的深入人心,体育在教学中所发挥的积极作用也不断的被人们日益关注,同时也被列入中考必考的科目之一。要想真正的发挥体育教育的作用,就要不断的加强中学生的体质,而这就离不开中学生的的主动参与配合,文章将对学生参与初中体育教学课堂程度展开讨论。  【关键词】初
【摘要】在音乐课堂教学中有了舞蹈艺术的融入,能使音乐课堂更有创新性与趣味性,同时也能更清晰地了解舞蹈艺术,从而认识到舞蹈与其它艺术的关系,说明在音乐课堂教学中有了舞蹈的融入更能有效的提高学生感受音乐美的能力。  【关键词】音乐;舞蹈教学;融入;创新性  【中图分类号】G623.71 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0156-01  当代教育中针对每一位学生都是因材
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【摘要】武术教育是对中华优秀武术传统文化进行传承的载体,在中职院校人才培养工作中加强对武术教育的重视,不仅能够发挥出其促进学生身心协调发展的重要作用,还能实现对我国优秀传统文化的传承。所以新时期十分有必要对武术教学的影响因素进行分析,并探索相应的解决对策,争取能够凸显武术教学的价值,辅助中职院校人才培养工作的改革创新。  【关键词】中职;武术教学;影响因素  【中图分类号】G852 【文献标识码】
【摘要】在美声唱法中,比较关键的因素就是音色,在学习美声的过程中,每个学习者的音色与音调都是有很大的差异性的,但是可以通过学习,改善自己的音色与音调,或者是通过学习一些技巧,通过调整气息等方法改善音色不佳的问题。本文就对美声唱法中音色的重要作用进行阐述。  【关键词】美声唱法;音色;作用;意义  【中图分类号】J616.2 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0155