
来源 :中国海关 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swl3322
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1990年2月,国务院正式批准济南市划归沿海经济开放区,与此同时,济南海关也宣告成立。如果把5年前的早春2月比作济南市对外开放的播种季节,那么当年播下的春种,如今已长成了参天的大树,济南市的对外开放已经迎来了一个硕果满园的收获季节。济南海关建关5年来为支持和促进济南对外经济、文化交往所取得的成绩,则是其中引人注目的一颗硕果。 作为山东省最早设立的内陆海关,5年来济南海关伴随着济南市的改革开放,经历了风风雨雨,闯出了一条内陆海关支持内地走出国门的新路,谱写了一曲曲为内地对外经济建设服务的动人乐章。5年来,济南市在海关登记备案的三资企业由当初的20家发 In February 1990, the State Council officially approved the transfer of Jinan City to the coastal economic open area. At the same time, Jinan Customs was also established. If the early spring of 5 years ago was compared to the planting season of Jinan City for opening up to the outside world, then the spring planted in that year has now grown into a towering tree. The opening to the outside world in Jinan City has ushered in a fruitful garden. Harvest season. The achievements Jinan Customs have made in supporting and promoting Jinan’s foreign economic and cultural exchanges over the past five years have been a remarkable achievement. As the earliest established inland customs in Shandong Province, Jinan Customs experienced five years of reforms and opening up in Jinan City. It has developed a new way for inland customs to support the Mainland to go abroad and wrote a song for the Mainland. The movement of foreign economic construction services. In the past five years, Jinan City has registered at the customs for the registration of foreign-funded enterprises from the original 20 companies.
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英语新标准的实施强调以学生为主体的教学模式,要求教师在教学中不断开发学生的学习潜能,培养学生的自主学习能力,使他们能创造性地学习。在英语语法教学中, The implementa
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