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产业转移是经济转型时期的特殊产物,在产业转移过程中,一系列承接产业转移政策的实施也影响着一个地区居民的生活状况和地区社会面貌,成为地区城镇化发展一个重要组成部分。本文结合江南产业集中区的建设情况,在时间序列上就江南产业集中区的建设和当地居民生活水平之间的联系进行研究,首先阐述了当地承接产业转移的现状(当地已经形成初步产业规模),接着对当地居民的生活水平进行了分析,最后结合前文的分析探究了承接产业转移对当地居民生活水平影响的具体途径。 Industrial transfer is a special product during the period of economic transition. During the process of industrial transfer, a series of undertaking of the industrial transfer policy also affects the living conditions of the residents in a certain area and the social appearance of the area. It has become an important part of urbanization in the region. Based on the construction of Jiangnan Industrial Concentration Area, this paper studies the connection between the construction of Jiangnan Industrial Concentrated Area and the living standard of local residents in time series. Firstly, the status quo of local undertaking of industrial transfer (the initial industrial scale has been formed in this area) , And then analyzes the living standards of local residents. Finally, based on the analysis of the previous article, it explores the specific ways to undertake the impact of industrial transfer on the living standards of local residents.
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