
来源 :青岛海洋大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sharp_z
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本文提出一个以带有定时器的低功耗微处理机为主体的温度记录器。其定时器用于开动微处理机,可由一个开关定为0.5、1、3或30分钟。仪器通过处理一个电容器向热敏电阻放电的时间来测量温度。仪器在工作中能显示温度值,并把温度值保存在微处理机的RAM之中。总共资料容量为2816次测值,量程为0~35℃,精度±0.1℃,分辨±0.02℃。 温度记录器具有液晶显示器,可直接读出温度值,配有标准计算机接口RS-232,能把保存的资料方便地倒给个人计算机。 这项工作是伍兹霍尔海洋研究所A.Bradley博士指导的。他提出的原理对研制可靠而廉价的温度记录器是一条新的途径。 This paper presents a temperature-recorder with a timer-based low-power microprocessor as the main body. Its timer is used to turn on the microprocessor and can be set to one switch for 0.5, 1, 3, or 30 minutes. The instrument measures the temperature by processing the time a capacitor discharges to the thermistor. Instrument in the work can display the temperature value, and the temperature is stored in the microprocessor’s RAM. The total data capacity of 2816 measurements, the range of 0 ~ 35 ℃, accuracy ± 0.1 ℃, resolution ± 0.02 ℃. The temperature logger has a liquid crystal display that reads out the temperature directly and is equipped with a standard computer interface RS-232 that can easily save saved data to a personal computer. This work was led by Dr A. Bradley of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. The principle he put forward is a new way to develop a reliable and inexpensive temperature logger.
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摘 要: 本文从教学目标、教师素养和教学评价三个方面探讨ELF理论给高校依托式英语听说教学改革带来的启示,从而优化大学英语听说课程教学效果。希望本文能够对ELF理论研究有所帮助,全面提高我国大学生在国际交流中英语口语表达的有效性。  关键词: 英语通用语 大学英语 听说教学  一、引言  21世纪,英语的国际化成为全世界不容否认与忽视的事实。英语不再是本民族语言者的专利,而是人类共同的国际交流工具
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