Performance Art in China: A Historical Process

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  【Abstract】This paper contains the developing process of performance art in China shortly after Reform and Opening-up policy landed, offering a basic glance of performance artworks’ standers, and analyzing the cause of those significant steps within the specific background inside of the country and affected by the world. The usage of the body as a medium of Chinese artists would also provide a general idea of the opening ideology in the contemporary Chinese art system.
  【Key words】Performance Art; China; History and development
  1. Research Background
  After 2010, when Marina Abramovi? engaged in an extended performance called, The Artist Is Present, presented in MoMA. People around the world have been attracted by this performance and body art. Performance art, as one of the representative multi-media art form which emphasizes liveness and body, has widely captured peoples’ eyes, and researchers of art have somehow turned their attention to study this body-media art form. It becomes popular among other traditional art forms generated all around the world, especially in the stream of contemporary art among the western culture.
  Performance art has emerged as an art form in the west since the 1960s. However, while people in the western art system were deliberating, generating and exchanging this art form drastically, performance art seems just started in the east. It is considered incomprehensible for people outside of China to obtain the idea of Chinese performance Art duel to the scarcity of research and language barriers. Therefore, the article would offer a general idea of the procedure that performance art has gone through in China, and could be divided into sections based on the timeline: Birth and mutilation, stylization and Diversification.
  2. Foundation laying and birthing: the end of the 1980s to the mid of 1990s
  Performance art, which uses the body as a medium begins to immerse inside the 60s of western. It was formed and became an important express method in contemporary art in the late 1980s, together with industrial, post AIDS, queer and cyberpunk cultures in 1990s (Johnson, 2015). Since then, using the body as a medium seems to arouse more resonance around a mass audience around the world.
  However, due to the political situation of unstable society movements, it only came in to being around the1990s in China. Besides influencing the flow of western, the background inside China was also mature enough to make performing art happen in China, from the perspectives of economy and ideology.   The transition from a planned economy to the commodity economy from 1979 has brought the concept of “market” into the art system. Under the dual pressure of system and capital, artists need to support their creation through market competition. To attract peoples’ attention and consider mass consumption trends on aesthetics and values, their stander of China’s “artistic contemporariness” has gradually evolved into a typical “meaningless” feature (Li
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