一、中电联转制以来面临的行业形势1998年10月召开的全国会员代表大会和第一次理事会 ,通过了新一届中电联章程 ,选举产生了新一届领导集体 ,研究决定中电联新的工作方针和任务 ,确定了中电联由政府办的事业单位转变为电力企事业单位联合办的社团法人 ;由为中央所属电力
I. The industry situation faced since the CEC system was transferred The national member congress and the first council convened in October 1998 passed the new constitution of the CEC and elected a new leadership collective. The new work guidelines and tasks of the Union have determined that the CEC is transformed from a government-owned institution to a corporate entity that is jointly run by power companies and institutions;