香菜,学名芜荽,是一种带有辛辣清香气味和能去腥解腻的微型香菜,原产于地中海沿岸地区,在汉代经“丝绸之路”传入我国,至今已有2000多年历史。它的生命力极强,我国大江南北均能种植。它虽非主菜,却是人们喜食和宾客宴席上不可少的调味香科。 芜荽的营养相当丰富,据检测,每100克芜荽含有3.77毫克胡萝卜素,是西红柿、黄瓜、菜豆含量的10倍以上;合钙170毫克,含铁5.6毫克,比许多时菜的含量都要高得多。它所以能除腥膻气味和解腻,是因为它的叶内含有松精、香叶油和胡荽油醇等化学物质,一经切碎就会挥发出来。
Coriander, a scientific name of Wu Shu, is a mini coriander with spicy scent and deodorization. Originally found in the Mediterranean coast, it was introduced to our country through the “Silk Road” in the Han Dynasty and has a history of over 2,000 years. Its vitality is extremely strong, and it can be planted both north and south of our country. Although it is not the main course, it is essential for people to eat and guests on the banquet seasoning incense. According to the test, every 100 grams of turnip contains 3.77 mg of carotene, which is more than 10 times the content of tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. Calcium is 170 mg and contains 5.6 mg of iron, which is higher than many vegetables Much more. So it can remove the smell of fishy smell solution, because it contains the pine leaf essence, geraniol oil and carrageenan and other chemical substances, once shredded will be volatile.