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为加快民族地区经济社会发展,为全面建设恩施州农村小康社会创造经验,2002年,恩施州人民政府推出了《关于开展民族团结进步示范村建设的意见》这项重大举措,即按照党中央全面建设小康社会的总体要求,以“三个代表”为指针,以“十一项”标准为目标,建设一批起点高、规划科学的民族团结进步示范村。3年过去了,各个示范村显现出了“基础设施大改善、产业结构大调整、大户专业户和民营企业大发展、群众生活水平大提高”这四大变化。为把民族团结进步示范村建设成为“经济社会快速发展、基础设施不断完善、人民生活水平日益富裕、精神生活较为充实、生态环境优美秀丽、民族风情特色浓郁、基层组织坚强有力、民族关系和谐交融”的社会主义新农村, 2005年,湖北省民宗委出台了《关于加快民族团结进步示范村建设的意见》,要求全省各民族地区要围绕建设社会主义新农村的总体要求,以电脑农业示范村、民族小康村和民族传统文化保护村建设为重点,以促进少数民族和民族地区经济社会发展为目的,建立一批生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主、民族特色浓郁的民族团结进步示范村。这项重大举措,与党的十六届五中全会提出的建设社会主义新农村的精神一脉相承。从2002年至今,恩施自治州8县市和宜昌市长阳、五峰两县相继确定了近20个“民族团结进步示范村”。经过三年多的努力,这些示范村发生了很大变化,为加快民族地区的经济社会发展和社会主义新农村建设探索出了宝贵的经验。为了总结经验,找出差距,进一步加快民族地区社会主义新农村建设步伐,本刊从本期开始,重点推出一组民族团结进步示范村建设系列报道,对全省近20个民族团结进步示范村进行多角度、全方位的报道,希望广大读者能够从中受益。 In order to speed up economic and social development in ethnic areas and create experience for building an overall well-to-do society in Enshi, in 2002, Enshi Prefecture People’s Government launched the major measure of “Opinions on Building a Model Village for National Unity and Improvement” The overall requirements of building a moderately prosperous society take the “three represents” as a guideline and the goal of “eleven” standards to build a batch of model villages for national unity and progress with high starting point and planned science. Three years have passed. Various demonstration villages have shown four major changes: “great improvement in infrastructure, great readjustment of industrial structure, great development of large-scale specialized households and private-owned enterprises, and improvement of living standards of the masses.” To build the national unity and progress model village into a “rapid economic and social development, continuous improvement of infrastructure, people’s living standards are increasingly affluent, more substantial spiritual life, beautiful and ecological environment, rich ethnic characteristics, grass-roots organizations strong and harmonious ethnic relations ”In 2005, the Hubei Provincial Committee for People’s Congresses issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Building of a Model Village for Unity and Improvement of Nationalities. It urged all ethnic regions in the province to revolve around the general requirements of building a new socialist countryside, Demonstration villages, ethnic well-off villages and ethnic traditional cultures and protected villages for the purpose of promoting economic and social development for ethnic minorities and ethnic regions for the purpose of establishing a number of production and development, well-off life, civilized civilized village clean and tidy, democratic management, ethnic Characteristic rich ethnic unity and progress demonstration village. This major move is in keeping with the spirit of building a new socialist countryside proposed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee. Since 2002, 8 counties and cities in Enshi Autonomous Prefecture and Changyang and Wufeng counties in Yichang have identified nearly 20 demonstration villages for the progress of national solidarity and progress. After more than three years of hard work, these model villages have undergone great changes. They have explored valuable experiences in accelerating the economic and social development in ethnic areas and in building a new socialist countryside. In order to sum up experiences, find out the gap and further accelerate the pace of building a new socialist countryside in ethnic regions, this issue has focused on the launching of a series of reports on the construction of a model village for the progress of solidarity and unity across the province, Multi-angle, all-round coverage, I hope the majority of readers can benefit from it.
4月的上海,朵朵盛开的是那娇艳的白玉兰,让人如痴如醉。第二军医大学校园内,让很多学生早早来到长海科技楼学术会议厅的是马红教授的到来。这里正在录制“学术人 April Shan
Sinenxan A [2α, 5α, 10β, 14β-tetraacetoxytaxa-4(20), 11-diene, 1] was biotransformed by a filamentous fungus, Aspergillus niger JCM 5546, and an unusual tax
台式PC PC World中国实验室在本刊去年第12期《安全PC安全吗?》专题中,曾向读者朋友们介绍过装配TPM安全芯片的方正君逸M500商用台式机。不过,这个系列的配置和功能弹性很大,
在中国的两年“考察”中,他测绘了3067公里长的道路图和18座城市的方位、布局图,用近1400幅照片记录了当时中国西北的自然景观、城市风貌、社会百态,还留下了大量日记、考察报告和浓厚的“亚洲情结”……    1906年8月,俄属芬兰的一位男爵带着神秘的任务,来到中国的新疆,又经河西走廊到达甘肃、陕西、河南等地,1908年才结束“考察”到达北京。他就是后来成为芬兰元帅、总统的曼纳海姆(1867~19
一、沼液、沼渣在种植业上的综合利用 1.沼肥的施用。沼液中含有水溶性的氮、磷、钾等速效营养成分。沼渣中含有较全面的养分和丰富的有机质,具有改良土壤的作用。沼渣宜作