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咸阳市财政局把深入实际开展调查研究作为转变机关作风、提高工作效率的突破口,取得实效。半年来,这个局已经形成各类调查报告和理论研究文章30多篇,为促进该市财政经济工作的健康运行产生了积极作用。今年以来,咸阳市财政局把开展调查研究工作列入单位目标责任制和“创选评”竞赛活动的考核内容,从年初开始,局党组就对这方面的工作进行了安排部署。市局以“坚持依法理财,增强财政实力”为主题,向全市财政系统印发了《关于大力开展财政调研活动的安排意见》,对局机关各科处室、直属各单位分配了75个调研选题,要求科级以上领导干部年内每人必须撰写两篇以上、一般干部每人要撰写一篇调查报告或财政理论文 Xianyang Municipal Bureau of Finance to deepen the actual investigation and research as a transformation of the style of the workforce to improve the efficiency of the breakthrough, and achieved tangible results. In the past six months, this bureau has formed over 30 articles of various kinds of investigation reports and theoretical research articles, which have played a positive role in promoting the healthy operation of the city’s financial and economic work. Since the beginning of this year, Xianyang Municipal Bureau of Finance has put the work of investigation and research into the unit’s target responsibility system and examination contents of the contest for “selecting, selecting and evaluating” competitions. Since the beginning of this year, Bureau Party Committee has arranged and deployed the work in this respect. Municipal Bureau of “adhere to the principle of financial management according to law, and enhance financial strength” as the theme of the city’s financial system issued a “great efforts to carry out financial arrangements for research activities,” the organs of the departments and offices directly under the units assigned 75 To conduct research on selected topics, it is required that more than two leading cadres at and above the grade level should write more than one each, and each cadre must write an investigation report or a financial theses
我院为综合性医院,近10年时间,临床使用的氨基酸制剂如下: Our hospital is a general hospital, nearly 10 years, the clinical use of amino acid preparations are as
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世间唯一不变的是“变化”。创新求变,更是报刊生存发展的不二法门。自1994年创刊以来,杂志已有两次求变促使整体形象发生明显改观。 1999年,杂志更名为《中国社会保障》,刊
我出生于 30年代末的大东北,一懂事我的家乡就来了共产党。   我认识并从事艺术,也是在共产党影响下开始的。   对于我这样一个人来说,没有也不可能有第二个选择。没有任何