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自治区九届人大常委会第三十次会议听取和审议了自治区财政厅厅长李学军受自治区人民政府委托所作的《关于2001年自治区财政总决算及2002年自治区本级财政预算调整建议的报告》,决定批准2002年自治区本级财政预算调整草案。会议要求,自治区人民政府要高度重视当前财政的困难和问题,着力抓好以下几个方面的工作:(一)认真贯彻执行预算法,从编制部门预算入手,努力提高预算编制的科学性,加强预算各环节的管理工作,强化预算监督,按照审计工作报告提出的各项建议,切实改善预算管理,把自治区预算管理工作提高到一个新水平。 The 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress heard and reviewed the report entitled "Total Financial Final Accounts of the Autonomous Region in 2001 and Proposals for the Adjustment of Financial Budget at the Local Level of the Autonomous Region in 2002 by Li Xuejun, Director of the Department of Finance, Autonomous Region, commissioned by the People’s Government of the Autonomous Region, Decided to approve the 2002 autonomous region at the level of the draft budget adjustment. The meeting called for the autonomous region people’s government should attach great importance to the current financial difficulties and problems, focus on the following aspects: (a) conscientiously implement the budget law, starting from the preparation of departmental budgets, and strive to improve the scientific preparation of the budget to strengthen and strengthen In all aspects of budget management, the Bank intensified budget supervision and supervision, earnestly improved budget management in accordance with the recommendations made in the audit work report, and raised the budget administration in the autonomous region to a new level.
一、实施积极的财政政策,扩大和培育内需刘淇代表认为:中央扩大内需政策的效果是明显的,对 GDP 增长起到了拉动作用。今年国债发行数量依然很大,这是人民的血汗钱,一定要用
1.病毒A 可用于粮食、油料、烟叶、果树、瓜菜等病毒病的防治。最好在发病初期使用。使用浓度为400—500倍液,每隔7天喷1次,一般喷2—3次即可。 2.植病灵 对CMV、TMV引起的
[Objective] To optimize the process of hot water extraction for polysaccharide from rhizoma phragmitis with response surface analysis.[Method] The impact of ext
一、喷药时间 :在6月下旬至7月下旬的露水干后喷洒 ,若喷后8小时内遇到降雨 ,需重新再喷。二、喷药浓度 :在以1~2年生禾本科杂阔叶草为主的果园 ,每亩用10 %草甘膦0 4~0 6公斤、洗衣粉0 1~0 5公