Bone and high-density lipoprotein:The beginning of a beautiful friendship

来源 :World Journal of Orthopedics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyqi
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There is a tight link between bone and lipid metabolic pathways.In this vein,several studies focused on the exploration of high-density lipoprotein(HDL)in the pathobiology of bone diseases,with emphasis to the osteoarthritis(OA)and osteoporosis,the most common bone pathologies.Indeed,epidemiological and in vitro data have connected reduced HDL levels or dysfunctional HDL with cartilage destruction and OA development.Recent studies uncovered functional links between HDL and OA fueling the interesting hypothesis that OA could be a chronic element of the metabolic syndrome.Other studies have linked HDL to bone mineral density.Even though at epidemiological levels the results are conflicting,studies in animals as well as in vitro experiments have shown that HDL facilitates osteoblastogensis and bone synthesis and most probably affects osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast bone resorption.Notably,reduced HDL levels result in increased bone marrow adiposity affecting bone cells function.Unveiling the mechanisms that connect HDL and bone/cartilage homeostasis may contribute to the design of novel therapeutic agents for the improvement of bone and cartilage quality and thus for the treatment of related pathological conditions. Several is focused on the exploration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the pathobiology of bone diseases, with emphasis to the osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis, the most common bone pathologies. Indeed, epidemiological and in vitro data have connected reduced HDL levels or dysfunctional HDL with cartilage destruction and OA development. Recent studies uncovered functional links between HDL and OA fueling the interesting hypothesis that OA could be a chronic element of the metabolic syndrome .Other studies have linked HDL to bone mineral density. Even though at epidemiological levels the results are conflicting, studies in animals as well as in vitro experiments have shown that HDL facilitates osteoblastogensis and bone synthesis and most probably affects osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast bone resorption. Notably , reduced HDL levels result in increased bone marrow adiposity affecting bone cells function. Univilin g the mechanisms that connect HDL and bone / cartilage homeostasis may contribute to the design of novel therapeutic agents for the improvement of bone and cartilage quality and thus for the treatment of related pathological conditions.
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