A Simplified Downlink Transmission and Receiving Scheme for IDMA

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laden167
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In this paper, we propose a downlink transmission and receiving scheme for interleavedivision multiple access (IDMA) system based on time-division duplexing (TDD) mode and time-reversal (TR) technique. The proposed scheme uses the time-reversed version of the channel impulse responses (CIR) obtained from the uplink to pre-process the transmitted signal at base station. By exploiting the weak correlations of fading channels for different user ends (UE), it is helpful to alleviate the multi-user interference (MUI) and co-channel interference (CCI). Moreover, the application of the TR technique in a multiple input-single output (MISO) configuration can reduce the delay spread of the channel impulse response, and mitigate inter-symbol interference (ISI). The UE can be simplified by canceling the iteration operation. Thus the data detection of the proposed scheme is rather simple as compared with the traditional IDMA, the complexity and computational load of UE is decreased substantially, and the proposed scheme provides a great deal of privacy and security to mobile users. In this paper, we propose a downlink transmission and receiving scheme for interleavedivision multiple access (IDMA) system based on time-division duplexing (TDD) mode and time-reversal (TR) technique. By exploiting the weak correlations of fading channels for different user ends (UE), it is helpful to alleviate the multi-user interference (MUI) and co-channel interference (CCI). Furthermore, the application of the TR technique in a multiple input-single output (MISO) configuration can reduce the delay spread of the channel impulse response, and mitigate inter-symbol interference (ISI) UE can be simplified by canceling the iteration operation. Thus the data detection of the proposed scheme is rather simple as compared with the traditional IDMA, the complexity and computational load of UE is substantially decreased, a nd the proposed scheme provides a great deal of privacy and security to mobile users.
对弟妹严厉的“第三家长”    1958年1月,穆罕默德·本·拉登和第四个妻子阿利娅唯一的孩子在利雅得出生,取名奥萨玛——意思是“雄狮”。  奥萨玛·本·拉登和一大帮孩子共同度过了儿童时光。穆罕默德治家的方式和管理公司一样:每个妻子负责她自己的那一支。孩子们很难见到这位伟大的人物,因为他经常出差在外。每次回到家,他就会把孩子们喊到办公室里去,好好看看自己蔚为壮观的血脉。奥萨玛回忆说,虽然两人之间很