
来源 :海洋科技资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongguoqwer
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东大海洋研究所的研究船《白凤丸》从设计到制成,完全是为了研究深海底这一目的,所以1967年就航后,为研究海洋底地球物理,发挥了空前的威力。例如,因这只船把重力仪放在摇幌最小的船的重心部,故比任何其它船只都能进行高精度的测定。特别是1968年装载电子计算机 FACOM 270—20,并和 T.S.S.G 重力仪相连结进行实时数值处理,从而更进一步增加了研究效能。到1971年止,《白凤丸》测定海上重力的总浬数,如附表所示。把测线扩展到西太平洋 The research vessel “Baifeng Pill” of Dongda Ocean Research Institute was designed and made completely for the purpose of studying the deep seabed. Therefore, after its flight in 1967, it has exerted unprecedented power to study the ocean bottom geophysics. For example, because this boat places the gravimeter in the center of gravity of the smallest ship, it performs more accurate measurements than any other vessel. In particular, the computer FACOM 270-20 was loaded in 1968 and linked to the T.S.S.G gravimeter for real-time numerical processing, further increasing research performance. By 1971, “Baifeng Wan” to determine the total number of marine gravity, as shown in the attached table. Extend the survey line to the western Pacific
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本文系统分析了法语在中国传播的现状与问题,并针对其问题提出建议。这种研究对于法语教学的顺利开展具有重要意义。 This article systematically analyzes the status quo
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2008年5月22日,美国“乔治·华盛顿”号核动力航母按照美国海军作战部的部署,从智利启程,驶往位于美国西南边境的海军基地圣迭戈港。如果一切顺利,“乔治·华盛顿”号将在圣迭戈港休整两个月,然后于8月初抵达日本的横须贺港军事基地,替换在那里即将退役的“小鹰”号航母。  海上风平浪静,“乔治·华盛顿”号行驶正常。午饭后,是船员换班的时间,刚刚接替上岗的年轻船员法拉·格雷伸了伸腰,顿觉烟瘾袭来,但他还是