
来源 :陕西水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxzjlei
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四月九日省政府办公厅转发省农村发展研究中心、水利水保厅、农办《关于农田灌溉管理体制改革意见的报告》中指出改革农田灌溉管理体制是农村经济体制改革的一个重要组成部分,是保证农业生产持续发展的一件大事,要求各级政府采取得力措施,切实抓好这项工作。《报告》指出我省当前灌溉管理中存在的问题是:大型灌区乡以下群众管理组织不健全,斗渠管理与农户灌溉管理脱节;条块结合不紧密,专业机构与当地行政部门责权不明确。小型灌区实行承包责任制后,有些地方统与分的关系没有解决好。灌区还存在工程失修、浇地难、负担重、破坏水利设施 On April 9, the Provincial Government General Office forwards that the reform of farmland irrigation management system is an important part of the reform of the rural economic system in the Report of the Provincial Rural Development Research Center, Water Conservancy and Water Conservation Office and the Agricultural Office’s Opinions on the Reform of Farmland Irrigation Management System Is a major event that ensures the sustainable development of agricultural production and requires all levels of government to adopt effective measures to effectively carry out this work. The report pointed out that the current problems in irrigation management in our province are as follows: the mass management organizations in large-scale irrigation districts and townships are not perfect, and the management of irrigation and drainage channels is out of line with the irrigation management of farmers; the combination of bar and block is not close, and the responsibilities and responsibilities of professional institutions and local administrative departments are not clear. After implementing the contract responsibility system in small-scale irrigation districts, the relations between the systems and points in some places have not been solved well. There are still irrigated areas of the project in disrepair, irrigated land, heavy burden, destruction of water conservancy facilities
鼻腔、鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤 (NIP)组织中某些人乳头状瘤病毒 (HPV)、EB病毒、P53基因表达显著增强 ,恶变率较高。刀豆素 A(Con A)、神经酰胺酶预处理花生凝集素 (NA-PNA)免疫
由靛红出发 ,经由靛红 3 肟和 2 氨基苯甲氰合成 9 氨基 1,2 ,3 ,4 四氢吖啶 ,产率 68 1% .靛红 3 肟的热分解催化剂为甲醇钠 ,环丁砜用作溶剂 .目标化合物的结构表征方法
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