第十二讲 采访活动方法及其运用(二)

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第二种:交叉式采访方法所谓交叉式采访方法,即在同一时间内报道两个以上不同地方发生的新闻事件,要交叉进行采访的一种方法。运用交叉采访方法,一般有这样两种情况: 一种情况是,两个以上的新闻事件在同一个日期内相继或同时发生,都需要一个记者或通讯员去报道。比如说,在一天里上午举行体操比赛,下午又有足球比赛。作为一名体育记者,尽管上午采访的体操比赛还没有写出稿子,下午也得赶到另一个体育场去采访足球比赛。这样两场比赛在一天内举行,而且当晚都需要发稿。另一种情况,报道的对象尽管是日常工作,时效性不强。可是,作为一个记者为了充分利用采访时间,在这个采访活动的间隙,同 The second: cross-interview method The so-called cross-interview method, that is reported at the same time more than two different places in the news events, to cross a way to interview. There are generally two situations in which cross-interviewing is used: in one situation, two or more news events happen one after another or simultaneously within the same date and require a reporter or correspondent to cover it. For example, in the morning gymnastics competition held in the afternoon there is a football match. As a sports reporter, he had to rush to another stadium to interview a soccer match in the afternoon even though he had not written a draft at the morning gymnastics competition. These two games are held in a day, and they all need a draft for the night. In another case, the reported object, though routine, is not timely. However, as a journalist, in order to make full use of the interview time, during the interview,
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