防汛减灾是关系人民生财产安全、社会安定和经济上新台阶的大事,一定要切实抓好。总的要求是:继续贯彻落实“安全第一,常备不懈,以防为主,全力抢险”的方针,以黄河、渭河、汉江、三门峡库区以及沿河城镇、病险水库、山原滑坡为重点,全面设防。立足于防大汛,抢大险、抗大灾,从最坏处着想,向最好处努力,全力作好防汛各项准备。具体要抓好以下几个方面的工作: (一)充分认识今年的防汛形势。近几年来,我省防汛工作的正规化、规范化建设成绩很大,防汛减灾效益显著。但就今年的防汛形势分析,面临的形势仍
Flood control and disaster mitigation are important events that concern people’s livelihood, social stability and a new economic stage. They must do a good job. The general requirements are: continue to implement the policy of “safety first, stand still, prevent first and rescue by all means” and focus on the Yellow River, Weihe River, Hanjiang River, Sanmenxia reservoir area, along the rivers and towns, dangerous reservoirs, and the landslide in Shanhaiguan , Full fortification. Based on the flood control, grab big risks, resistance to catastrophe, from the worst to think, to the best efforts to make every effort to prepare for flood control. Specific efforts should be made in the following aspects: (1) Fully understand the flood control situation this year. In recent years, our province flood control work of the regularization and standardization of great achievements, flood control and disaster reduction benefit is remarkable. However, this year’s flood control situation analysis, the situation is still facing