Comparison of RAPD profiles of different soybeans in China

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binsheng
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Soybeans originated in China; therefore, their genetic germplasms, especially of wildsoybeans, are abundant in China. In recent years. more than 5000 accessions of wildsoybeans which account for about 90% of the world collections of wild soybeans, have beencollected. These materials not only provide new sources of genes, but also can be used asthe basic materials in the biological study of soybeans. A previous study has shown thatthere are numerous ecological types, and the genetic diversity is rich in Chinese wildsoybean germplasms. A comparison study between wild and cultivated soybeans not onlyprovides basic information for the usage of wild soybeans in soybean breeding, but also fora better understanding of soybean origination and evolution. Therefore, their genetic germplasms, especially of wild soybeans, are abundant in China. In recent years. More than 5000 accessions of wildsoybeans which account for about 90% of the world collections of wild soybeans, have beencollected. These materials not only provide new sources of genes, but also can be used asthe basic materials in the biological study of soybeans. A previous study has shown that there are numerous ecological types, and the genetic diversity is rich in Chinese wildsoybean germplasms. A comparison study between wild and cultivated soybeans not onlyprovides basic information for the usage of wild soybeans in soybean breeding, but also fora better understanding of soybean origination and evolution.
前言 由于长期大量饮酒,酒精及其代谢物乙醛等直接或通过免疫机制间接损害肝细胞,发生肝细胞脂肪变性、酒精性肝炎、肝纤维化、肝硬化。酒精性肝纤维化是细胞外基质(ECM)