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  Passage 1 1-5 CDBAC
  Passage 2 1-4 CABD
  Passage 1 1-5 ABDCA
  Passage 2
  1. There are 7 reasons for playing sports.
  2. They can play sports.
  3. No, it cann’t. Exercising can make people keep healthy weight.
  4. Yes, they can.
  5. Because playing sports make people relaxed and help people feel a little happier.
  Passage 1 1-5 BADBC
  Passage 2 1-5 CDBAB
  Passage 1 1-3 DCC
  Passage 2 1-5 BAAAD
  Passage 1 1-5 BABBC 6-7 AB
  Passage 2 1-5 BCACB 6-10 ADBCD
  Passage 1 1-5 BCDDC 6-10 AADBB
  Passage 2 1-5 CABDC 6-10 CBADA
  11-15 ACBBD
  Passage 1 1-5 ABACD 6-10 BDCAD
  11-15 ACBBC
  Passage 2 1-5 DACBC 6-10 BDABD
  11-15 BDCCA
  Passage 1 1-5 DAACB
  Passage 2 1-5 ABCAC
  Passage 1 1-5 CBDCB
  Passage 2 1-5 DBADC
  Passage 1 1-5 CBBBD
  Passage 2 1-5 BCCCB
  One possible version:
  My Favourite Thing
  Of all my possessions, a walkman is my favourite thing. My father bought it for me as my birthday present last year. Since then, it has always been with me. At home, when I wake up, I turn it on to listen to English tapes to learn English. Thanks to it, I have always got good marks in English. After finishing my homework in the evening, before going to bed I always listen to some light music. On my way to school, I take it with me on the bus and listen to English songs. I have got a lot of pleasure from it. I like it very much. And I will never drop it.
  One possible version:
  June 3, Friday Fine
  On my way home on the bus, I saw an old man get on with his grandson who is about ten. He was carrying the boy’s schoolbag and violin. I gave my seat to the old man at once. However, the boy sat down first. The old man had to stand nearby. After a while, the boy shouted to his grandpa for water and then dropped the empty bottle on the bus.
  When I saw this, I got very angry. I think the boy should not only respect and take care of the old man but also keep the environment clean.
  One possible version:
  Group work is often organized in the English classroom. Let me show you how to do it. Firstly, we have different tasks in group work; secondly, we discuss the topic that the teacher provides; thirdly, someone writes down the key points and forms a report; fourthly, one of us come to the front to make a report; at last, we must finish the task in time.   As for me / In my opinion / In my view, I like the way we study, because it is very interesting and useful. I can talk freely. And I can improve my English. (I don’t like the way we study, because I think it’s boring. What’s more, I am afraid of making mistakes while talking.)
  One possible version:
  I have breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. For breakfast, I like eggs, strawberries and orange juice. For lunch, I eat French fries, bananas and broccoli. And for dinner, I have chicken, carrots and some fruit. Do you like them? What do you eat?
  One possible version:
  Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.
  Mary who likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing wants to be a fashion designer. Kate loves plants and wants to make the cities better, so she prefers to be a gardener. Mike would like to be a writer because he likes to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom feels like being a cook because he thinks cooking delicious food for others is interesting and happy. In order to protect the people safe, I would like to work as a policeman.
  Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.
  One possible version:
  In the zoo, there are two new animals. One is a koala, and the other is a tiger. The koala’s name is Molly. It is from Australia and it’s three years old. It eats grass. It is very cute and clever. The name of the tiger is Larry and it’s from Africa. It is five years old and it eats meat. It is a strong tiger. It is very interesting.
  One possible version:
  Dear aunt,
  I am very glad to meet you at the airport, but I have never meet you before. So I shall describe myself to you.
  I am a tall boy with a pair of glasses. I’m of a medium build. I am 13 years old. I have a round face with thick hair. It is easy to recognize me. I wear old jeans, a T-shirt, and a pair of sports shoes.
  We’ll meet at the north gate of the airport at 10:25 am. I hope you can meet me there on time.
  Tome Green
  One possible version:
  My last weekend was pretty good. On Saturday morning, I went to the mountains. I was very tired, so I stayed at home on Saturday afternoon. I did some reading and listened to the music. It was relaxing. On Sunday morning, I played chess with my friends and in the afternoon I cleaned my room.   写作篇——中级
  One possible version:
  Ann and Anna are twins. In some ways, they look the same, and in some ways, they look different. They both like junk food, but Ann eats more than Anna does. They both have many clothes, but Anna’s clothes are more beautiful. Anna has cooler hairstyle than Ann, although they have blond hair. They are in the same school. They have good grades, but Ann’s schoolwork is better than Anna’s. Anna is more outgoing, moreover, they both enjoy going to the movies.
  One possible version:
  Fellow students, I’m glad to tell you something about my friend, Li Ming. Li Ming is good at his lessons and his favorite subject is English. He is friendly to others and willing to help others. He always has many things to do in his spare time. And he has his own hobbies. He likes to surf the Internet to get what he wants. He likes music very much. I think we should learn from Li Ming. Students should study hard and also enjoy life out of class.
  One possible version:
  Here I’d like to say something about my future job. I have many interests. I’m especially good at English and music. What’s more, I think I am really friendly and I can communicate and get along well with my classmates. As Wuhan is becoming more and more popular and more and more tourists come here, I want to be a tour guide in the future. So from now on, I will study harder and learn more about the history, culture of Wuhan and learn some tour knowledge in my free time to achieve my dream.
  One possible version:
  Hello, everyone!Why not go out to do exercise? Of course, you may say you’re busy doing your homework and preparing for the exams. You don’t have enough time to do exercise. But in fact, doing exercise can help you study better. It can lower your stress and make you feel relaxed. So you can do better in your study. Also, doing exercise is good for our health. A healthy body can help us to keep away from illness. What’s more, doing exercise can help us build our characters. It is an excellent chance for us to learn team spirit. And we can communicate more and better with our friends and parents by doing exercise together. So in my opinion, we should form a good habit of doing exercise. Let’s do exercise together.
摘要:基于Zope借助Plone建立了一个教学网站和一个物理习题库。  关键词:教据库技术 教学网站 习题库 Zope  中图分类号:TP393.09 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-2422(2008)03-0042-02    1 数据库技术    Zope的对象数据库的设计思想,特别适合于文档管理,知识管理,群件系统等。Plone便是一个基于Zope而设计出的功能异常强大的内容管理系统。
The story tells us: Only by working hard all the time can you succeed. 这个故事告诉我们:只有不断努力,才有可能获得成功。    1. At the end of Western Jin Dynasty, wars go on year after year. People become homeless and live a
【中考英语阅读理解分类介绍及例文参考答案】  记叙文:Passage 1 1~5 ABDAC Passage 2 1~5 CCDDA  议论文: Passage 1 1~5 CDBAB Passage 2 1~5 ACCBA  说明文: Passage 1 1~5 CABBA Passage 2 1~4 BACB  应用文: passage 1 1~4 CDBA passage 2 1~4 DBA
一、给文章润色  给文章润色,主要从以下三个方面入手:  1. 用词要简洁  (1) 删除多余词语。例如:  It happened that Mr. Yap was elected to the position of Chairman of the well-established Singapore Literature Society that existed in this countr
沈周作为吴门画派的创始人、明四家之一,其艺术成就在元明之际的文人画领域起到了承上启下的作用,在美术史上占有重要地位。近期由田洪、田琳编著,天津人民美术出版社出版的《沈周绘画作品编年图录》问世,使读者可以纵观沈周一生的艺术历程,更明确地体会沈周艺术中的师古与创新。  《沈周绘画作品编年图录》全书分上下两册,大十六开,计680页,精装含函,铜版纸彩色印刷,运用编年体的形式,以作者对沈周年谱的整理为基础
材料  colour paper 彩色吹塑纸、paper clip 曲别针、string 线、stick 小木棍或bamboo 竹杆    制作过程   1. 在各色吹塑纸上画出各种形状的小鱼并剪下。  2. 在每条小鱼上,别上一枚曲别针。  3. 线的一头系在小木棍或小竹杆上,另一头系上一小块磁铁,做钓鱼钩。  4. 把做好的鱼放在水盆里,小朋友就可以玩钓鱼游戏了。
编者注:有些人常常抱怨自己生不逢时,上天对自己不公。殊不知,拥有什么样的人生完全取决于你自己,在这个世界上,人们一次又一次地证明了这个道理:世上无难事,只怕有心人。    Every person creates his or her own reality. Authorship1 of your life is one of your absolute rights; yet so often
[内容摘要] 梅清是明清之际的杰出山水画家,尤以表现安徽南部黄山的作品为佳。梅清经历了“天崩地解”的明清易代和十余年科考失意的打击,后两上黄山、四处游历,以书画寄托自己的人生境遇和超逸情怀,其绘画有着洒脱灵动的笔墨和意蕴清远的格调,在流派纷呈、风格迥异的明清山水画界独具风貌。梅清绘画崇尚写意,在师法古人和师法自然的同时敢于强调自我,以“古人在我”和“我法”的革新精神为画风守旧的清初画坛吹来新风。梅
1977年9月,在伟大领袖和导师毛泽东主席逝世一周年之际,画家吴作人为“寄无限缅怀”,取毛泽东《采桑子·重阳》词意,创作完成了一幅油画风景画《战地黄花分外香》。  这件作品主要以略显横阔的视野取景构图,由近及远依次将向日葵、油菜花、水塘、梯田、水闸以及掩映在丛林中的宝塔、工厂和遥远的群山,收揽于画面的前、中、后景。由于作者对处于纵深空间中的自然景观经营有方,景物取舍有度,所以尽管描绘的内容比较多,
1. Dou Dou, a little vole, takes a big horn home and makes it clean and beautiful. 小田鼠豆豆捡到一只大喇叭,搬回家修补得又干净又漂亮。     2. He blows it hard. “Wow!” The loud noise nearly lifts the roof. 用力一吹,“哇!”差点掀掉了屋顶。