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标题,对于新闻来说,可以算得上是“点睛”之笔,除了准确之外,一般还要求凝炼、生动,有文采,这样才能更深地感染读者。笔者看到过一些老前辈、老战友苦心安排版面,认真推敲每一则标题,他们那种精神,使人深为感动。报纸每天出版,随着时间的流逝,一些版面和标题,渐渐为读者所淡忘;而一些别具一格的标题,紧紧地抓住了读者,即使事隔多年,也磨灭不了人们脑中对这些标题的印象。记得,那是一九四五年春天,反法西斯战 Title, for the news, can be regarded as the “finishing touch” of the pen, in addition to accurate, generally also requires condensed, vivid, literary talent, so as to more deeply affect the reader. I have seen some veteran, old comrades painstakingly arranged layout, carefully scrutinize each title, their kind of spirit, people are deeply touched. As the newspapers are published daily, as time goes on, some pages and titles gradually become forgotten by the readers. Some unique titles hold the readers tightly. Even after many years, people can not erase these headlines. impression. Remember, it was the spring of 1945, an anti-fascist war
The spin-weighted spheroidal equation in the case of s=1/2 is thoroughly studied by using the perturbation method from the supersymmetric quantum mechanics.The
It is our target to develop underwater microrobots for medical and industrial applications. This kind of underwater microrobots should have the characteristics
A conformal optical system refers to the one whose first optical surface conforms to both aerodynamic and imaging requirements.Appropriate correction is require
在当今的信息时代,强化网络阅读指导重要意义,图书馆加强对青少年网络阅读指导举措,使青少年健康茁壮地成长,充分发挥青少年教育职能作用等提出了自己的几点看法。 In today