齐鲁龙腾 阳谷凤翔——初访山东凤祥集团

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十月下旬,我和我的同事应邀到山东凤祥集团。时值深秋,沿途满眼秋色,所经京、津、冀、鲁城乡到处一派秋收秋种、龙腾虎跃的景象。 驱车到达山东凤祥集团所在市——号称“江北水城”聊城市时,已值黄昏,但见烟村树雾,车滚人流,高楼大厦,水系繚绕,深切感到聊城与十年前的巨大变化。由于天色已晚,无暇浏览江北水城的山光水色,根据主人的安排当晚留宿聊城,盼望着次日抵阳谷凤祥集团的实地参观采访。 次日早,在凤祥集团谢振明副总裁的陪同下南行至凤祥集团总部所在地山东阳谷。由于同行的廉工主持了凤祥集团基地的规划设计,与副总是老熟人,我们也一见如故。沿途谢总用真切、实在的语言,介绍着凤祥集团的发展过程、老总的处事为人,加深着我们对集团、老总的了解认识。 在集团总部的会客室中,见到了全国人大代表、全国劳动模范、集团总裁兼董事长刘学景以及集团的有关负责人。我端祥着眼前这位农业产业化全国重点龙头企业的带头人,第一个印象是一个普通的人,一个忙碌的农家子弟,卓有成就的民营企业家,是一个可信赖的山东汉子……从简单的言谈中流露着刘总“多做少说”、“慎于言而敏于行”的处事哲理与真诚厚道、友善诚信的待人之道。我在刘董事长离去后浏览着会客厅墙上一幅幅与各级领导人的合影照片,加深着对? In late October, I and my colleagues were invited to Shandong Fengxiang Group. When the time is late autumn, eyeful autumn along the way, the Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Lu urban and rural areas fall harvest autumn, Long Tigers jumped scene. Drove to reach the city of Shandong Fengxiang Group - known as “Jiangbei Water City” Liaocheng City, the value of the evening, but smoke village tree fog, rolling traffic, high-rise buildings, water system, deeply felt Liaocheng and the huge 10 years ago Variety. Due to the late sky, no time to visit Jiangbei Watertower mountain water, according to the host arrangements to stay overnight Liaocheng, looking forward to the next day Yanggu Fengxiang Group’s field visit interview. As early as the next morning, accompanied by Xie Zhenming, Vice President of Fengxiang Group, southbound to Yanggu, Shandong, where Fengxiang Group’s headquarters are located. Due to the colleague’s cheap labor presided over the Fengxiang Group base planning and design, and vice president is always an acquaintance, we see it. Xie along the way always use real, real language, introducing the development process of Fengxiang Group, CEOs doing things, deepen our understanding of the group, CEO. In the reception hall of the headquarters of the Group, Liu Xuejing, representative of the National People’s Congress, model worker of the country, President and Chairman of the Group, and the relevant heads of the group were seen. I am the forefront of this agricultural industrialization leading national key enterprises leader, the first impression is an ordinary person, a busy farmhouse children, outstanding private entrepreneurs, is a reliable Shandong man ... ... From a simple speech Liu revealed “doing more and talking less,” “cautious and sensitive” business philosophy and sincere kind, friendly and honest people’s way. After the departure of Chairman Liu, I visited the picture of the living room wall with a picture of photo leaders at all levels to deepen the right?
<正> 荷兰瓦登(Wedden)海和东斯凯尔特(Scheldt)海域,每年约生产10万吨贻贝.养殖面积共7,500公顷,主要分布于瓦登海,该处约有80个养殖业者和20名经销商人.贻贝生产对荷兰来说
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<正> 记谱须用半升半降记号的一些音级在调式中出现,是增强不稳定性、倾向性、动力性的结果,它们在功能体系中的地位,不可能依归于主功能,只可能依归于属或下属功能。用理论
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