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我省江海堤防和水库大坝的迎水坡大都需做块石护坡,背水坡的渗流窨潮地段需做反滤导渗设施,但由于工程造价高,限于经费,堤坝险工患段不能及时加固。1987年在太仓县浮桥、璜泾两乡段海塘1400m~2、赣榆县海头镇段海堤3000m~2的块石护坡中试用无纺土工布作滤层,比砂砾滤层护坡工程具有明显优点:1.节省工程造价。根据以上两处试点,用土工布做滤层可比碎石滤层平均节省1.20元/平方米,占20%。2.施工方法简便,质量均匀可靠。施 Most of the embankments and dam dams in the province are required to be protected by blocks of stone. The seepage flow in the back slopes need to be filtered and infiltrated. However, due to the high project cost and limited funds, the affected sections of embankments can not be reinforced in time . In 1987, the non-woven geotextile was used as a filter layer in the block slope protection measures of 1400m ~ 2 in the pontoon of two pontoons of Huicheng in Taicang County and seawall of 3000m ~ 2 in the sea head of Ganyu County. Compared with the gravel filter slope protection project, Obvious advantages: 1. Save the project cost. According to the above two pilot, with geotextile fabric filter layer than the average savings of 1.20 yuan / square meter, accounting for 20%. 2. The construction method is simple, uniform and reliable quality. Shi
据IwamotoS[JGastroenterolHepatol,2 0 0 3,18(9) :10 76 10 80 ]报道 ,用血管螺旋CT可诊断小的 (早期 )肝细胞癌 (HCC)。IwamotoS与其同事对随访的 2 9例 (男 17例 ,女 12
患者,男性,14岁。因发现右臀部包块10月余来诊。查体:右臀部触及囊性肿物,边界欠清,余无异常。超声检查:右臀部肌肉深层探及一大小约2.9 cm×1.8 cm×2.7 cm囊性肿块,其上部
白山水电站重力拱坝泄水建筑物设有4个高孔和3个深孔,间隔布置。溢流高孔堰顶高程404m,堰头为W E S曲线,下接斜坡为1:0.5的直线段,至337m高程与 Baishan Hydropower Statio
To investigate the effects of Cyclin D1 antisense oligodeoxyneucleotides (ASODN) on the growth, cell cycle progression and expression of G 1 phase regulators i