5月,全国工交生产平稳增长,但增长势头有所减弱,在市场销售平稳,物价继续走低的市场环境下,运输行业生产运行平稳,铁路,水运生产全面 增长。一、运输生产指标完成情况: 二、运输生产的主要特点 1.铁路货运量继3、4月份同比下降后又出现回升。5月份日均装车完成74774车,同比增长1.3%,货运量完成14449万吨,同比增长1.3%。日均货运量为433.8万吨,比4月份日均431.5万吨略有增长。
In May, the country's work-related production increased steadily, but its growth momentum weakened. Under the market environment of steady sales and lower prices, the transportation industry operated steadily and overall production of railways and water transport increased in an all-round way. First, the completion of transport and production indicators: Second, the main features of transport production 1. Rail freight following the decline in 3,4 months after the rise again. In May, the average daily loading capacity of 74,774 vehicles was completed, an increase of 1.3% over the same period of last year. The volume of freight traffic was 144,490,000 tons, an increase of 1.3% over the same period of last year. The average daily freight volume was 4.338 million tons, a slight increase from the daily average of 4.355 million tons in April.