华夏春潮涌 笑傲世纪风 记改革奋进中谋求跨越式发展的通化华夏集团

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沧海桑田,沐数载风雨魅力依旧。星移斗转,聚济英才杏林夺目灿然。在“三个代表”重要思想的指引下,在十六大“全面建设小康社会”催人奋进的号角声中,2003年7月17日,通化白山药业迎来她建厂36周年生日暨通化华夏集团成立的隆重庆典,截止2000年末,华夏集团旗下的两个骨干型企业白山药业和华夏药业共实现产值136000万元,实现销售收入10556万元,上缴税金1338万元,实现利润1200万元,均创历史最高水平。省人大代表、华夏集团公司董事长华玉强表示:公司将以“泽被苍生、造福华夏”为己任,树立全心全意服务于中华民族,尽心竭力奉献于华夏子孙的企业精神,努力把华夏药业建设成为人所共仰的一流制药企业,为中华民族的繁荣昌盛贡献自己的力量。 Mau sea, Mu Charm load still the same. Star bucket turn, Ju Ji Ying Xing eye-catching brilliant. Under the guidance of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and in the sounding horn of the 16th CPC National Congress for building an overall well-to-do society, on July 17, 2003, Tonghua Baishan Pharmaceutical welcomed her in building a factory 36th birthday and Tonghua Huaxia Group set up a grand celebration, as of the end of 2000, Huaxia Group’s two backbone enterprises Baishan Pharmaceutical and Huaxia Pharmaceutical total output value of 1.360 billion yuan to achieve sales revenue of 105.56 million yuan, taxes paid 13.38 million Yuan, a profit of 12 million yuan, both the highest record level. Provincial People’s Congress, Huaxia Group Chairman Hua Yu-Qiang, said: The company will be “Ze was the common people for the benefit of Huaxia” as its mission, and serve the Chinese nation and establish a dedicated and dedicated to the Chinese descendants of the entrepreneurial spirit, and strive to Huaxia The pharmaceutical industry has become the first-rate pharmaceutical company to be rewarded by the people and contributes its own strength to the prosperity of the Chinese nation.
药品和医疗器械是防病治病、康复保健的特殊商品,与市民的生命安全、身体健康息息相关,药品和医疗器械产品质量一旦出现了问题,就是人命关天的大事。 Drugs and medical dev
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