Undernutrition is a common problem in surgical patients and has widespread effects on both humoral and cellular immunity, including impaired cell phagocytosis and decreased complement levels. It has been demonstrated that the reticuloendothelial system (RE) in acute starvation affects both bacterial and particulate matter The mechanism of RE inhibition due to malnutrition is unclear and may include the effects of opsonization, intrinsic phagocyte depletion and changes in hepatic blood flow.Plasma binding is an important RE non-specific opsonin that prevents bacterial and / Sepsis products spread throughout the circulation, leading to systemic adverse consequences and organ failure.The authors used a rabbit model to study the effects of fasting, surgical trauma and infection on plasma fibronectin and RE function. Fasting time was 48 hours, The model of infection was established by cutting off the blood vessels of rabbit’s appendix and the peritonitis was established.The plasma fibronectin was determined by immunoturbidimetry,