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在1984年对稻田蜘蛛调查研究的基础上,1986年对其种类和数量消长进行了系统观察。早稻田蜘蛛的优势种是草间小黑蛛、类水狼蛛和拟水狼蛛;双季晚稻田蜘蛛的优势种是卵腹肖蛸、鳞纹肖蛸和拟环纹狼蛛。水稻生育后期郁闭度大、湿度大,蜘蛛数量增加。双季晚稻田蜘蛛优势种发生时期和飞虱、叶蝉发生时期相吻合,蜘蛛数量随飞虱、叶蝉的数量增加而增加。施用化学农药能直接毒死蜘蛛或将其驱出稻田使数量锐减。田埂种豆稻田蛛蛛类群数量大。蜘蛛的天敌有寄生蜂、鸟类、蛙类、捕食性昆虫等。蜘蛛的互相残杀也影响蜘蛛数量的消长。 Based on the investigation of the spiders in paddy field in 1984, the species and quantity of the spiders were systematically observed in 1986. The dominant species in Waseda spiders were black grass spider, water spider spider and water spider spider; the dominant species of double-crop late rice spider spider was Ovipogon japonicus, Scylla serrata and intertwined spider tarantula. Late rice growth later closed degree, humidity, spider number increased. The occurrence of dominant species of spider in double-season late rice coincided with the occurrence of planthoppers and leafhoppers. The number of spiders increased with the increase of planthoppers and leafhoppers. The use of chemical pesticides can directly poison the spider or drive it out of the paddy so that the number is sharply reduced. Tamagotc seed rice spider spider group large number. Spiders natural enemies have parasitic bees, birds, frogs, predatory insects and so on. Spider killing each other also affects the growth and decline of the number of spiders.
一、麦蚜重寄生蜂的种类 在山东临清,寄生麦蚜茧蜂的5种寄生蜂中,以蚜虫跳小蜂Aphidencyrths aphidivorus为主,占67.3%;环腹瘿蜂Figites sp.第二位,占13.5%;黄足分盾细蜂Dendr
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在人工气候室内黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinous lividipennis(Reuter)褐对飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal高密度小区表现出明显的聚集反应。在褐飞虱密度高的小区出现的时间大于在低密
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