挖掘转化文化资源 发展壮大文化产业是我州旅游二次创业的战略选择

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在现代经济社会发展中,一个特定的地区要在日益激烈的综合竞争中立于不败之地,唯一的办法是充分发挥自己的比较优势,做强做大优势产业。旅游业是阿坝州的主导产业,要做强做大旅游业,就必须推进旅游二次创业,加快旅游文化进程,挖掘转化文化资源,发展壮大文化产业,努力把文化产业培育成为新的经济增长点,成为阿坝州未来经济社会发展的一条主线。 In the modern economic and social development, the only way for a given region to remain invincible in the increasingly fiercely comprehensive competition is to give full play to its own comparative advantages and to make its dominant industries bigger and stronger. Tourism is the leading industry in Aba Prefecture. To strengthen and expand the tourism industry, we must promote the second pioneering work of tourism, accelerate the process of tourism and culture, tap and transform the cultural resources, develop and strengthen the cultural industry, and strive to cultivate the cultural industry as a new economic growth Point, become Aba Prefecture in the future economic and social development of a main line.
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