
来源 :青海地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovezhizunbaolove
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青海北东向构造形迹分布广泛零星,以往并没有引起人们的足够重视。笔者于1974—1977年在都兰地区野外调查时,对北东向断裂的力学性质及其展布特征和与其他构造体系复合关系进行了研究,提出由一系列压扭性断裂,北东向展布的岩脉(枝)和地层(走向)及褶皱组成的,宽数公里,长60—80公里的构造带,属独立构造系统,划为北东向构造带。这一认识的提出,当时曾引起人们的关注和争议。之后郑延中同志在“谈谈青藏滇歹字型构造体系头部的几个问题”文章中,谈到了北东向构造,认为青海杂多地区的北东—北东东向断裂可顺延至西藏那曲、日喀则一带。近几年来物探工作的进展为北东向构造的存在、展布提供了新的资料。基于它与其他构造复合控岩、控矿的事实,很有必要对它的性质、特征和演化历史进行综合研究。一、北东向构造展布特征主要分布于下列地区: The distribution of tectonic features in the north east of Qinghai is widely scattered, and people did not pay enough attention in the past. During the field investigation from 1974 to 1977 in Dulan, the author studied the mechanical properties and distribution characteristics of the NE-trending faults and their complex relationships with other tectonic systems. It is proposed that a series of compressive-torsional fractures, The tectonic belts, consisting of dikes (strata) and strata (folds) and folds, of width km and length 60-80 km, are independent tectonic systems and are designated as the NE-trending structural belt. This understanding was raised at that time, which attracted people’s attention and controversy. Afterwards, Comrade Zheng Yanzhong talked about the NE structure in his article “Talking about Some Problems in the Head of Tibetan-Yunnan Dian-Zi Fictitious Structure System”. He believes that the NE-NE-E fault in the Heduo area of ​​Qinghai Province can be extended to Nagqu Tibet, Shigatse area. The progress made in geophysical exploration in recent years has provided new information for the existence and distribution of the NE structure. Based on the fact that it is combined with other structures to control rock and deposit, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of its nature, characteristics and evolution history. First, the north-east tectonic distribution features are mainly distributed in the following regions:
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