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疼痛是临床各科所普遍又经常遭遇到的课题。为阐明疼痛本质 ,寻求止痛新对策 ,从电生理学rrrrrrrrrn到分子生物学 ,研究者作了不懈努力。迄今已明确 ,诸如末梢组织、神经、脊髓、脑干、大脑等复杂的rrrrrrrrrn神经网络、神经肽和兴奋性氨基酸等多种神经递质、借助突触对神经元的细胞内信息系统以影响及rrrrrrrrrn应激基因的转录活化、生理活性物质合成的促进等 ,均参与疼痛的形成。一系列的研究为疼痛的新rrrrrrrrrn疗法提供了理论依据。本专辑即以疼痛的治疗为题 ,介绍其最新进展。rrrrrrrrrn专辑选译自《医学のあゆみ》2 0 0 0年 1 2月 2日出刊的Vol 1 95,No9特集 :痛みとその制御机rrrrrrrrrn构———分子メカニズムと治疗の最前线。本期专辑只选译其中“治疗の最前线”部分 ,内容全面地rrrrrrrrrn反映了当前疼痛治疗的新面貌 ,颇具学习、参考价值。 Pain is a common and often encountered subject in clinical departments. In order to elucidate the nature of pain and to find new countermeasures for pain relief, researchers have made unremitting efforts from electrophysiology to molecular biology. So far it has been clear that complex neural networks, neuropeptides and excitatory amino acids such as peripheral tissues, nerves, spinal cord, brainstem, brain and many more Neurotransmitters, with the help of synapses on the neuronal intracellular information system to influence and transcriptional activation of stress genes, synthesis of physiologically active substances The promotion, etc., are involved in the formation of pain. A series of studies provide a theoretical basis for new therapies for pain. This album is the title of pain treatment, introducing its latest developments. Album Selection translated from “Medicine Ayumi” Vol 1 95, No 9 Special Issue Published on February 2, 2000 Painlessと そ の imperial machine r r r r r r r r n structure --- molecule メ к ニ ズ ム and treatment of the forefront. This album only select the “treatment of the forefront of” part of the comprehensive r r r r r r r r r n reflects the current new face of pain treatment, quite learning, Reference value.
近期,受国际金融危机的影响,我国部分中小企业进入了经济的寒冬。这些中小企业大多集中在劳动密集型产业,国内劳动力成本上升、人民币汇率升值以及原材料价格上涨等,使它们的生存空间被大大挤压了。  对于中小企业来说,一个严峻的冬天正在迫近。而政府采购,尤为重要的是有效地发挥政策功能,成为中小企业御寒的棉衣之一。  “十一五”规划以来,政府采购加强政策导向功能,对中小企业进行扶持。当前,中小企业出现了大面积
AIM: To investigate the cholinesterase inhibition and ef-fect of atropine and pralidoxime (PAM) treatment on theSurvival time in the rat model of aluminium pho
无糖型乙肝宁颗粒剂是在国家中药保护品种乙肝宁冲剂的基础上吸收高新技术工艺 ,改进剂型研制而成的。它主要是由共黄芪、茵陈、首乌、丹参、茯苓、白芍、太子参等 13味中药