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以“上海五月慢”青菜为试材,分别在常温和2℃低温贮藏5d和15d,按照大量、少量、无损3个等级对青菜进行折伤、刺伤、砸伤3种损伤处理,采用伤口染色、测定电导率、亨特L值色泽测定、伤口糖含量测定等方法,测定3种损伤处理青菜的电导率、伤口微生物总数、伤口糖含量、伤口色泽L值的变化。结果表明:伤口染色法可以快速直观检测出3种机械伤,即使少量损伤也能检出,可用于样品抽查;电导率法可以检出大量砸伤和大量折伤的青菜;损伤引起电导率升高,在常温下,损伤青菜的电导率随贮藏时间的延长而上升,但在2℃低温下则相反;伤口糖含量的测定方法,对3种青菜损伤的检测效果均不理想;伤口微生物检测法可用于检测贮藏后期青菜的大量砸伤和大量折伤;亨特L值色泽测定法检测效果较好,损伤引起伤口L值下降,能检测砸伤和刺伤,青菜在常温和2℃低温贮藏,伤口L值持续下降,而对照L值不变或上升。 Using “Shanghai May Slow” greens as test materials, they were stored at room temperature and low temperature of 2 ℃ for 5d and 15d respectively, and then were damaged, stabbed and crushed three times The changes of electrical conductivity, total number of wound microorganisms, the content of sugar in wounds and the value of L of wound were measured by wound staining, conductivity measurement, Hunter L value color determination and wound sugar content determination. The results showed that three kinds of mechanical injuries could be quickly and visually detected by the wound staining method, even a small amount of injury could be detected, which could be used for sample sampling. The conductivity method could detect a large number of bruised and heavily damaged vegetables; High, at room temperature, the electrical conductivity of damaged vegetables increased with storage time, but at 2 ℃ low temperature is the opposite; determination of sugar content of the wounds of the three kinds of vegetables are not ideal detection of injury; microbial detection of wounds The method can be used to detect a large number of bruises and a large number of wounds in the late storage of vegetables. The Hunt L value colorimetric assay has a good detection effect, the lesion causes a decrease in the L value of the wound, can detect the bruises and stab wounds, Storage, wound L value continued to decline, while the control value of L unchanged or increased.
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研究显示,在运动比赛中,銀牌得主显然没有铜牌得主那么开心。因为兴奋劲头过去之后,获得第二名的运动员会陷入反事实思维中,会将现实的比赛结果与更理想的比赛结果做比较,并且将自己与第一名对立起来,从而忽视已落入囊中的银牌,转而纠结错失的金牌。  而铜牌得主往往会想到更不理想的情况——如果他表现稍差,可能就得不到奖牌。所以,铜牌得主会庆幸自己登上了领奖台,也因此更加开心。  研究者曾让一群大学生观看巴塞罗
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