
来源 :中国邮政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongzheyy86
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供给侧结构性改革是我国适应经济新常态的重大举措,也是经济发展特定阶段适应供需矛盾而做的必然选择。中央经济工作会议和农村工作会议要求深化供给侧结构性改革,农业领域也要覆盖,增加绿色优质农产品供给,强化农产品标准化生产以及质量安全管理等。结合供给侧改革任务,中国邮政借助电商业务在服务“三农”方面发挥了积极作用,对于农业供给侧结构性改革推进作用明显。邮政借力农村电商积极服务供给侧改革 Supply-side structural reform is a major measure taken by China to adapt to the new normalcy of the economy and is also the inevitable choice to meet the contradiction between supply and demand in a specific stage of economic development. The Central Economic Work Conference and the Rural Work Conference called for deepening the supply-side structural reforms, covering the agricultural sector, increasing the supply of green and quality agricultural products, and strengthening the standardized production of agricultural products and quality and safety management. In combination with the supply-side reform tasks, China Post played an active role in serving “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” with the aid of e-commerce businesses and promoted the structural reforms in the supply side of agriculture. Post leveraging rural electricity providers to actively serve the supply side reform
[Objective]This study aimed to establish an appropriate technology system for in vitro screening of Fusarium wilt-resistant germplasm resources of red edible se
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纳米比亚已成立了一家国有矿业公司,该公司将在纳米比亚金、金刚石、铜、铀等矿产勘查与开发中发挥积极作用。纳米比亚负责矿业的专员Erasmus Shivolo说,有几家外国国有公司
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