
来源 :中国安全科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyingfish521
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中国正处于社会经济全面高速发展阶段,21 世纪仍将面临不同程度的自然灾害及人为事故的影响。虽然,在1999 年即联合国“国际减灾十年”的最后一年召开了日内瓦“世界减灾大会”,并通过了一系列宣言及声明,但笔者认为,同近十年兴起的环境保护科学与管理相比,中国在灾害及事故的预测预报、规划战略、科技管理、文化教育诸方面尚有不少差距。为此,就其重要方面作一论述,并对国家“十五”计划未纳入安全减灾目标提出建议,以期引起科技界、决策管理界的关注。 China is in a stage of rapid social and economic development. In the 21st century, China will still face varying degrees of natural disasters and man-made accidents. Although the “World Conference on Disaster Reduction” was held in Geneva in 1999, the last year of the UN Decade for International Decen- trasies, and a series of declarations and statements were passed, the author believes that with the rise of science and management in environmental protection In contrast, there are still many gaps in China in forecasting and forecasting disasters and accidents, planning strategies, science and technology management, and cultural education. To this end, made an account of its important aspects and made recommendations on the failure of the national “Tenth Five-year Plan” to include the goal of safety and disaster reduction so as to arouse the concern of the scientific and technological circles and decision-making management circles.
摘要:作为美育的美术,和其他学科一起为促进人的全面素质的提高起着重要的作用。美术学科在整个素质教育的体系里与其他学科之间存在密切的联系。在新的课程要求中,强调了美术与其他学科相互关联、相互促进的关系。  关键词:素质教育;美术学科教育;其他学科;联系    素质教育是依据人的发展和社会发展的实际需要,以全面提高全体学生的基本素质为根本目的,以尊重学生主体性和主动精神,注重开发人的智慧潜能,注重形成
我是一条鱼,一天到晚游泳的鱼,生活在一个美丽的鱼缸里,我主人家里有一只猫,叫猫猫。他天天来看我,我爱水中舒爽惬意的生活,但我更羡慕猫猫,羡慕他可以自由地奔跑。 猫
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国内统一连续出版物号:CN11-5352/U国际统一连续出版物号:ISSN 1673-2278开本:16开刊期:月刊年定价:180.00元发行方式:自办发行《中国海事》杂志是海事系统对外公开发行的综
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Whether inhibiting the activity of nuclear factor(NF)-κB potentiates cisplatin-induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung cell line A549 cells was investigated.T
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